The Invasion of Poland
Soviet Invasion of Finland
The ‘Winter’ War, Finland
The ‘Winter War’, Finland
Invasion of Scandinavia, 1940
The Maginot Line
Underground plan of Maginot Line
Invasion of Low Countries, France
The Bombing of Rotterdam, 1940
The encirclement at Dunkirk
Encirclement at Dunkirk
Troops awaiting evacuation, Dunkirk
Evacuation at Dunkirk, 1940
The Defeat of France, May – June 1940 French inferior air force, lack tank mobility (all panzers have radio communication) despite build-up since 1936. Yet German strength overstated – surprised by own success French general Maurice Gamelin ignores Belgian and Swiss warnings of attack between Meuse and Moselle. French DO fight (85,000 killed in 6 weeks; 1.5 million captured) Prime Minister Paul Reynaud resigns on June 18 Field Marshal Philippe Pétain signs armistice 4 days later Gen. De Gaulle flees to London; organises Free French New government established in Vichy ‘free zone’ in south Northern France under direct Nazi occupation About 600,000 French will die in WWII, (about half WWI losses) A third of Luftwaffe’s planes destroyed or damaged in campaign
Hitler in Paris
The Battle of Britain, 8 – 11/1940 Royal Air Force has 2500 pilots and 2,000 planes 1900 Brits, 1100 Commonwealth pilots, 7 US 220 Poles and Czechs; 40 Belgians and Free French 1000 casualties (550-600 dead) Germany has 2500 planes but suffer greater losses More critically, British able to outproduce them Radar gives warnings of coming German attacks Hitler switches targets from airfields to London Ends German threat of invasion of Britain
Battle of Britain map
Always good for a quote, Churchill
Air raid shelter, The ‘Blitz’