How to stop waste of food By: Victoria Badejo Julia Paszkowska Magda Debek Mirna Mihelcic Sena Arikan
Never before we have produced as much food as today and never before there has been as much hunger in the world. Our generation is determined to beat all the records… but it is up to us if they are going records of pride or records of shame. Up to 145 million Europeans (one fourth of us) could be under poverty line by 2025 if the current economic trend is not reversed.
The amount of food waste produced globally each year is more than enough to feed the nearly 1 billion hungry people in the world.
Let’s see a few steps to stop wasting the food
Step 1. Know Your Food Waste To stop food waste first become aware of what and how much you throw out 1. Separate your food waste - put your food waste into a separate container to see how much you really waste 2 Record your waste – to remember the food you throw out, make a note of it. 3 Identify the reasons - If you know what and why you throw out, you can work towards stopping it
Step 2. Planning Good planning makes life easier, saves your money and reduces food waste 1 Know your cupboard –before you step outside your door, know what you already have. 2 Make your plan - a sure way to reduce food waste is to plan your meals properly. 3 Write your list - a properly planned shopping list will save you time, money and help you stop food waste!
Step 3. Shopping This is one place you waste food before you even buy it… 1 Before – be prepared - Know what you need before you go and don’t shop on an empty stomach! 2 During – be strong - You have your list, stick to it and beware, bargain buys often go to waste. 3 After – how much have you saved? Shorter receipts? lighter bins? have a look and see what you have saved.
Step 4. Storage Make the most of what you’ve bought and give your food a good home. 1 Store it right – knowing the right place for the right food is half the battle. 2 Use it right. Don’t get caught out, know your dates and use your friends, the fridge and freezer. 3 Make it last. There are many great ways to preserve your food. But do you know how?
Step 5. Cooking & Serving Now to the tastiest part of stopping food waste – the eating part. 1 Proper Portions – An overloaded plate leads to an overloaded bin. Don’t be greed. Know your portions.
Now we’ll talk about each of our countries
Poland 9 mln tons of food is wasted every year Over 2 mln tons is wasted by private consumers It’s the 5° country in Europe for wasting food Bread is the most wasted polish product
Turkey 200 billion pounds of food are wasted in Tukey; 4 billion units of bread are wasted
Croatia 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted 61% compered to the EU average
Italy 10 to 20 million tons of food are wasted by italian people, worth approximately 37 billion Euros; 8 out of 10 Italians who say no to food waste;
Conclusion If we continue wasting food like this in the 2025 we won’t have enough food to feed all of us
Thank you all for paying attention!!!