U.S. Census Bureau Demographic Census 2000 July 8, 2003
Short Form – 100% surveyed Household relationships Sex Age Hispanic or Latino origin Race Tenure (own or rent) Vacancy characteristics
Long Form – 1 in 6 surveyed Marital status Place of birth, citizenship, year of entry School enrollment and educational attainment Ancestry Migration (residence in 1995) Language spoken at home and ability to speak English Veteran status Disability Grandparents as caregivers
Long Form – 1 in 6 surveyed Labor force status Place of work and journey to work Occupation, industry and class of worker Work status in 1999 Income in 1999 Value of home or monthly rent paid Units in structure Year structure built Number of rooms and number of bedrooms Year moved into residence
Long Form – 1 in 6 surveyed Plumbing and kitchen facilities Telephone service Vehicles available Heating fuel Farm residence Utilities, mortgage, taxes, insurance, and fuel costs
Geographic Areas American Indian / Alaska Native areas and Hawaiian home lands Blocks Block Groups Census tracts Counties and equivalent areas Metropolitan areas Minor Civil Divisions Places States and equivalent areas Urban areas Voting districts Zip Code tabulation area
Census 2000-Five files Redistricting Summary File Summary File 1 ( SF 1) Summary File 2 ( SF 2) Summary File 3 ( SF 3) Summary File 4 ( SF 4)
Redistricting Summary File Total population Population 18 years and older for 63 race categories Data down to the block level
Summary File 1 (SF 1) Counts and basic cross tabulations of information from all people and housing units Includes age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, rent/own Data down to block level or census-tract level Some summaries for ZCTAs and Congressional Districts
Summary File 2 (SF 2) Same short form housing and population characteristics as SF 1 Grouped according to detailed race and Hispanic / Latino-origin groups, as well as American Indian and Alaska Native tribes Data to the census tract level
Summary File 3 (SF 3) Data from long form Data down to the block for most, but some just down to the census tract
Summary File 4 (SF 4) Long form data Grouped according to detailed race and Hispanic / Latino-origin groups, as well as American Indian and Alaska Native tribes
Summary Files All accessible via Provide data for topical products – Demographic Profiles, Quick Tables, Geographic Comparison Tables, and printed report series
Printed Reports – Summary Population and Housing Characteristics Short Form data for states, counties, places and other areas Available via
Printed Reports – Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics Long form data for states, counties, places, and other areas Available via
Printed Reports – Population and Housing Unit Totals Short form data from Census 2000, 1990, and 1980 Includes information on area measurements and population density One printed report for each state + national report Available via
Online Access State and Country Quick Facts Street Address Finder Population Counter Data Highlights by state American Fact Finder
Special Reports and Briefs Demographic Trends in the 20 th Century The 65 Years and Older Population: 2000 The United States in International Context: 2000 English Ability: 2000 Grandparents Living with Grandchildren: nsusdata/hiscendata.htmlhttp:// nsusdata/hiscendata.html
Census Data from Selective Older information is mainly population and housing nsusdata/hiscendata.htmlhttp:// nsusdata/hiscendata.html
American FactFinder Census Bureau’s primary online data retrieval tool Includes data from 1990 Census, American Community Survey, Census 2002 Supplementary Survey, 1997 Economic Census, and Census 2000
American FactFinder Quick Tables give data for a set of key variables down to the census tract level Geographic Comparison Tables: How your state/city/county/metro area stacks up in comparison to others using key variables Thematic Maps: Illustrates the data in map format Detailed Tables: Access to all the tables released in each dataset
American FactFinder Advance Query Function: Users can prepare tabulations online using the full database of all individual responses, subject to restrictions and filters required to protect the confidentiality of individual responses Information from both short and long forms
TIGER / Line Contains geographic boundaries and codes, streets, address ranges, and coordinates for use with geographic information systems (GIS) for mapping and other applications Available on the Internet and CDRom/DVD
American Community Survey Provides demographic, economic, and housing information about America’s communities Conducted annually Will replace the long form in 2010 Conducted in 31 test sites, 700K households in 2000/2001/2002 Will eventually be conducted in every county, native area and home land
American Community Survey – Test Sites Starr County, TX Zapata County, TX Fort Bend and Harris Counties, TX
Other Stuff for Future Presentations What the U.S. Census Bureau does the other 9 years The Economic Census