The Tuscan Regional Administration created this Technological District in March This is the only Italian Technological District active solely in Rail Transport. In fact, Tuscany is the only Italian Region which has the entire Railway Chain, from steel profile production to coaches. Its purpose is to improve the Tuscan Rail Industry and make it more competitive. The Tuscan Regional Administration wants the District to help Enterprises improve their mutual collaborations and work both with Universities and Research Entities in order to better define possible future products. 1. Creation and purposes
Main activities of the District: - Definition of medium-long term strategy in order to increase Tuscan Rail Industry competitiveness (DITECFER plan amounts ~90M€); - Investigation of know-how and products already available in regional Enterprises and Research Entities, in order to make the most of local contents and to increase awareness of our own strenghts and capacities; - Encouragement towards a cultural change both in Enterprises (making «sinergy», «collaboration», «partnership» key-words) and in Universities (making R&D more connected to productive needs); 2. Core activities (1/2)
- Promotion of projects for co-financing in order to improve the level of innovation, R&D, training; - Promotion of synergic initiatives with Districts of other Regions/States in order to activate positive processes of technological cross-fertilisation; - Cooperation with the Local/Regional Administrations in order to: a) make the environment more suitable to innovation and competitiveness; b) support promotional activities and internationalisation ; c) attract investments. 2. Core activities (2/2)
- The President, with managerial and technical competences; - The Technological Steering Committee, composed by 10 Members and having strategic and technological tasks. It is headed by the President; - The Technical Secretariat, supporting the President, the Committee and the Enterprises; - The District Forum, where all Enterprises meet, share and discuss strategies and programs. 3 editions have already taken place. Such organisation is defined by Regional Decrees and doesn’t set any corporate structure; anyway a group of 25 stakeholders – both Large Enterprises, SMEs and Universities - just established a limited liability consortium in order to gain even more opportunities to push innovation and R&D. 3. The District’s organisation
4. Our environment: Internal and External Components of the District Enterprises Universities and Public Research Bodies Technical Secretariat Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector National Authority for Rail Safety (ANSF) National Technological Cluster for Transports (“Trasporti Italia 2020”) ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative
DITECFER 111 Enterprises, 3 Universities, CNR-National Research Centre. In Tuscany we also benefit from the presence of several Laboratories specialised in the Railway sector. 5. The geography of our collaborations: Regional
5.1 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> 111 Enterprises (…here just fews) …
5.1 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> 111 Enterprises … and their competences
4 Regional Research Bodies, deeply active in the Rail sector, co-operate to reach DITECFER’s targets Main competences: UniFirenze in Mechanics-Mechatronics; UniPisa in Electronics; Scuola Sant’Anna in Telecommunications; CNR in Control Systems. 5.2 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> Research Bodies
Among the biggest laboratories for Certification and Homologation of Rolling Stock in Europe. Here tests are possible on any kind of vehicle, thanks also to the biggest semi anechoic chamber in Europe. Laboratory Rolling Stock (Florence) run by Italcertifer S.p.A. in partnership with the Universities of Florence, Pisa and Naples, Politecnico Milan and the Tuscany Region 5.3 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (1/3)
Laboratory for Dynamic Modelling and Mechatronics (Pistoia) run by University of Florence in partnership with the Province of Pistoia, acknowledged by the Tuscany Region R&D and testing on Mechanics, Electronics, Mechatronics, Rail vehicles, On board technological systems. 5.3 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (2/3)
Centre for Excellence and Quality (Pistoia) run by Servindustria in parthership with the Pistoia Chamber of Commerce, acknowledged by the Tuscany Region Testing on Mechanical parts for Rail Transportation and Automotive 5.3 The geography of our collaborations: Regional >> Laboratories specialised in the Rail Sector (3/3)
CTN "Trasporti Italia 2020" >70 National Stakeholders of Rail (RFI, AnsaldoBreda, AnsaldoSTS, Thales, ECM…), Automotive (FIAT-Chrysler, Piaggio…), Maritime (Fincantieri, Benetti…) and Intermodality work together in order to face common challenges among their sectors. DITECFER co-ordinates the WG Rail and is the promoter of " TESYS Rail " project (>11M€), coordinated by RFI and participated by 20 Enterprises and 4 Universities. 6. The geography of our collaborations: National (1/2)
National Call for "Smart Cities and Communities" The winning-project in the Mobility sector was promoted by DITECFER stakeholders (6 SMEs and University of Firenze). The project, named " SII-Mobility " (>15M€), will be tested on the Tuscan territory, since its complexity in terms of morphology but also in terms of systems and means of transport. 6. The geography of our collaborations: National (2/2)
ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative 9 Rail Clusters from 7 Countries Entities with different structures, dimensions and year of establishment but committed to same targets. DITECFER is member of ERCI since November ERCI signed a MoU with UNIFE in order to promote SMEs participation to Shift²Rail. 7. The geography of our collaborations: European