Surplus The fertile land of Egypt surrounding the Nile River allowed farmers to create surpluses of food. Helped Egypt economy expand. Allowed Egyptians to work other jobs.
Types of jobs Scribes Skilled artisans Traders Learned hieroglyphics Egyptian alphabet Skilled artisans Traders The type of job depended on what part of the social pyramid you belonged to. Divided Egyptian Society Rare for one to move up Heredity You worked in the same job your father did. Six levels
Laborers and Slaves Level 1 Slaves were the lowest group in Egypt POW’s (War Prisoners) Hard labor
Farmers Level 2 Picked the crops that feed Egypt.
Craftspeople and Merchants 3rd Level Craftspeople Made the things in which the Egyptians needed. Merchants Sold Egyptian Goods
Scribes and Government Officials 4th level Scribes Trained to write and read hieroglyphics Government officials Worked for the Pharaoh, or king of Egypt
Priests and Nobles 5th level Priests Nobles Religious leaders Family of the Pharaoh
The Pharaoh 6th level Ruler of Egypt and all of its people. Hereditary rule Usually given by birth Considered a god
Hieroglyphics Egyptian writing system. When it developed around 3000 B.C. 700 symbols 6000 symbols over time
Papyrus Paper-like material Scribes wrote hieroglyphics on them. Made from the papyrus reed. Scrolls of papyrus made Egypt’s first books