Task To research information and facts about polygons and present this in a hyperlinked powerpoint. Main source: rainforest maths dictionaryrainforest maths dictionary
Instructions 1. Find the word polygon. Write the definition on the What is a Polygon Slide 2. Complete the Polygon Quiz and the capture a screen shot of the types of Polygons. Edit this in paint and place on the Types of Polygon slide.
What is a Polygon?
Types of Polygons
More Instructions Use rainforest maths dictionaryrainforest maths dictionary Find the name of each polygon Read the information and take the quiz if available. Take relevant screen shots, edit in paint and paste the section into the relevant slide. To demonstrate facts about each polygon
Polygons in detail Triangles Square Rectangle Diamond Rhombus Trapezium Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon Nonagon Decagon
Square Square Facts
Rectangle Rectangle Facts
Diamond Diamond Facts
Rhombus Rhombus Facts
trapezium Trapezium Facts
Pentagon Pentagon Facts
Hexagon Hexagon Facts
Heptagon Heptagon Facts
Octagon Octagon Facts
Nonagon Nonagon Facts
Decagon Decagon Facts
Bibliography Main source: rainforest maths dictionaryrainforest maths dictionary