The Vietnam War. Fighting in Vietnam US: contain communism North Vietnam: reunify under Communism.


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Presentation transcript:

The Vietnam War

Fighting in Vietnam US: contain communism North Vietnam: reunify under Communism

Domino Theory If one country in a region fell to Communism, the other ones would, too (like dominoes) Justify need for American intervention in world

Vietnam People's Army (VPA) Role grows as war grows US advantage neutralized by VPA fighting b style and tactics Viet Cong / National Liberation Branch of VPA Guerilla and army units Many recruited in South Vietnam Propaganda North Vietnam: insurgency from South US/South Vietnam: tool of North

Gulf of Tonkin  The Incident  August 2, 1964  USS Maddox fights 3 North Vietnamese torpedo boats  Destroys 3 boats  August 4, 196  NSA says Vietnam attacks  Leads to Vietnam War  41 years later: US fired warning shots, then Vietnam attacked.  The Resolution (August 10, 1964)  US Response  President Lyndon B. Johnson can use military w/out declaring war  US rapidly expands involvement in war

1967 October 1967 Opposition mostly college campuses Most support war Each day = more deaths October – 100,00 protestors at Lincoln Memorial – 30,000 march at Pentagon – Hundreds arrested. Martin Luther King Jr: Boosts anti-war movement – High # of African American deaths – Bad sending by government November 1967 US Troops cannot handle fighting tactics of Vietnam 500,000 American Troops – 15,000+ killed – 109,000+ wounded. – $25 billion per year Americans more discouraged with war – Draft system – 40,000 a month – More anti-war movement.

Tet Offensive, 1968 Surprise attack launched by Viet Cong/NVA Wave of attacks (80,000 troops attack 100 towns) US/South –lose control of towns –Regroup, drive forces out Results –Shows North can attack with big force –South cannot defend (even with US aid) –Started belief that US would lose (upsets Americans)

Opposition to the War Kent State (May 1970) National Guard kills 4 students protesting war Pentagon Papers (Summer 1971) Confidential details about war

Media Most publicized war – 1000’s watch on TV – “The Living Room War” WWII: newspaper reports and radio Technology advanced: print to photography to video Vietnam: TV War to home Images stay with them Change public perception Vietnam Veterans Against the War Go on TV (in wheelchairs/crutches) Throw away medals/awards from war in protests

New President Johnson does not seek reelection Richard Nixon elected Nixon wants Global cooperation, regardless of government

Case-Church Amendment August 15, 1973 Ended US military involvement in Vietnam President needed approval from Congress for military activity Vietnamization End US involvement in war South Vietnam gradually takes over war Ending US Involvement

Post US Presence 2 years of fighting April 1975: North Vietnam captured Saigon Ends war Unites Vietnam 58,220 US servicemen died

USS Dixie Towards Pearl Harbor (Dec. 1941) Helped repair ships Provided tender facilities to Seventh Fleet in Vietnam Given Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Seventh Fleet – Multiple operations against enemy – Mine countermeasures after war – Evacuated US citizens and refugees from South Vietnam and Cambodia after reunification of Vietnam – 1980’s: maintain security during Olympics/Asian Games