Humor, culture, and the human condition behind comedy Dr. JB MC Eli Count Zach Czar Phillip
Definition of Humor A comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement. Comic: of, pertaining to, or characterized by comedy Absurd: utterly or obviously senseless, contrary to all reason or common sense Incongruous: out of keeping or place, inappropriate, unbecoming Amusement: anything that amuses, entertainment
Origin Middle English, humour Humoral medicine of Greeks used to balance out body fluids aka humors Old Latin meaning of humor is body fluid Provocations of humor: laughter, smile, attraction, positive emotions
Comedy Definition: play, movie of light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending. A dramatic work in which the central motif is triumph over adverse circumstance, resulting in a successful or happy conclusion. Usually involved two societies put against each other, or the youth trying to win approval of the old Origin: Middle English, comedye
Monologue y-night-live-norm-macdonald-monologue y-night-live-norm-macdonald-monologue
What is humor? Types? aturday-night-live-update-thursday- bush-endorsement
How can writers use humor as a tool or catalyst for more serious subjects?
Is humor timeless? How does humor evolve? Is humor universal?
How does the identity of the writer or comedian affect the joke or humorous topic? -Weight- Can only “fat” people make “fat” jokes? -Are sexist jokes funny to both genders? -Does it seem women can make fun of men, but sexist if men make fun of women? - Race- Why is it only appropriate for black comedians to make fun of their own culture, yet racist if a white comedian were to tell the joke? -Sexual Orientation- Can straight culture make fun of gay culture? -How can humor make being gay, fat, etc. more acceptable in society? - Do comedians use jokes as a coping mechanism to deal with being gay, fat, etc? -IE: Sarah Silverman and depression
What is the deeper human condition behind comedy?
How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen Bug? on the seats and 26 in the Ashtray. THAT’S NOT FUNNY, IS IT?