Impressionism mid- to late-19th century
Impressionism was an art movement during the mid- to late-19th century Began in Paris as a rejection of the Salon Art Exhibition style (see below) Salon Art Exhibitions were juried - judged by a panel - and displayed exemplary artwork of students from the Academie des Beaux-Arts. This was a great opportunity for prizes and prestige. Impressionism
If your artwork didn't follow the current style dictated by the Academie, your artwork was rejected from the Salon. After viewing the artworks, Emperor Napoleon III requested that rejected artworks be displayed in a new Salon, called The Salon of the Refused (1863). At first this began as a joke, but artists soon began requesting an annual Salon of the Refused so that they may show their works. They were denied. Impressionism
Many of the artists who were consistently rejected from the Salons created the Société Anonyme Coopérative des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs (Translation: Cooperative and Anonymous Association of Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers). One such artist was Edouard Manet, not to be confused with Claude Monet. Bar at the Folies Bergere Edouard Manet, 1882 Impressionism
Vibrant, often bright colors Loose brushstrokes Displays shifts in color and light At the time, the paintings were viewed as "quick sketches" in paint rather than finished artworks. "Art style that attempted to capture the rapidly changing effects of sunlight on objects" (Understanding Art 254). Characteristics of the Impressionist Style
Monet often painted the same scene at many different times of day, displaying effects of light. Sunrise, 1872 Claude Monet
Rouen Cathedral Series, Notre Dame, Paris Claude Monet
The Dancing Class, Edgar Degas
Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1881 Pierre Auguste Renoir
The Boating Party, 1893 Mary Cassatt
Bright Color Emphasis on... Effect of Light
BriBridgd ge Over a Pool of Lillies Claude Monet Bridge Over a Pool of Lillies, 1899 Claude Monet
Painters often did not mix their paints well, as they applied varied colors next to one another in thick, varied brush strokes. How might this vary when looking at it close up versus from further away? Brush Strokes
Not all artists during the period embraced Impressionism. Some abstained from the style so that they could continue to submit artwork to the Salon. Impressionist Artists embraced the style, though they were often dissimilar in artistic styles. They were more connected by their attitudes of rebellion and dissent. Fun fact: Photography had begun to emerge around this time, so that an artist's ability to represent reality realistically was becoming devalued. How did Impressionists show reality in a different way?