1 Guide for the use of framework agreements Considerations for calling off from framework agreements 1.Have you identified one or more framework agreements which could meet your need? Contact the owners of the framework agreement to obtain all associated information; Once you have chosen the most suitable you can not ask suppliers to bid against prices offered under one of the other framework agreements. 2.Are you entitled to call-off from the framework in question? Only entities who were identifiable on the contract notice adverting the framework agreement are entitled to call-off from the agreement; It is not possible to add a new contracting authority to a framework agreement after the award of the framework agreement. 3. What are the call-off methods for the framework agreement in questions? The method of call-off must be stipulated within the terms and conditions of the framework agreement; The methods will be based on the nature of the goods, services or works to be provided and prevailing market conditions; Note that specifications and basic terms set out in the framework agreement can not be changed however the method of call-off may allow for certain terms to be refined. 4. What are the benefits of conducting a mini-competition under a framework agreement? No need to repeat many of the stages of a full competitive tendering process; No need or scope to assess supplier’s capacity and capability; No need for a standstill period; Possibility of improving on prices obtained when the framework agreement was tendered.
2 Guide for the use of framework agreements Mini-Competition Process 1.Prepare your Invitation to Quote (ITQ) Follow process described with the Framework Agreement Terms and Conditions - Invitation for Quote/mini-competition form may be provided; Use the award criteria set out in the Framework Agreement Terms and Conditions, however the weightings may be modified; Refer to the original Framework Agreement Terms and Conditions; Only include refinements to the Terms and Conditions if and where permissible; 2.Issue your Invitation to Quote (ITQ) To all the suppliers on the Framework Agreement who are capable of meeting your requirements; Set a response deadline which takes into account the complexity of the requirement; Maintain confidentiality until after the closing date. 3.Evaluate responses and select your Supplier Evaluate fully all the quotations received; Use the award criteria set out in the Invitation to Quote, which were set out in the Framework Agreement Terms and Conditions and weightings, which may have been modified for the purpose of the specific mini-competition; If an acceptable score or minimum requirement has been set, only suppliers who meet this score of minimum requirements should be taken forward to the final ranking. 4.Mini-competition Award All suppliers invited to Quote must be advised on the outcome in writing; The call-off contract must be awarded to the suppliers who has submitted the most economically advantageous tender; Determine whether a Standstill period will be observed, see SPPN 03/2010.