Landscape protection system Comparative study: Poland and Germany Marta Kubacka Ulrike Schenke
1. Methodological notes Poland Germany Nature protection means maintenance, sustainable use and restoration of resources, formations and elements of nature; Landscape protection means preservation of characteristic of a particular landscape (reference: the Act on Environmental Protection of 16 April 2004 (Dz. U. of 2004, no. 92, item 880) Nature protection is for preservation of landscapes or parts of a landscape by ordering, protecting, regenerating, maintaining and developing measures Landscape protection measures for conservation and maintenance of the natural and cultural characteristics of a landscape (reference: Umweltportal 2014)
1I. Forms of special nature value protected by law: POLAND GERMANY National parks § 24 National parks Nature reserves § 23 Nature reserves Nature 2000 areas § 31 Natura2000 areas Landscape parks § 26 Landscape protection area Protected landscape areas § 25 Biosphere reserves Nature monuments § 23 National nature monuments Documentation sites § 28 Nature monument Ecological arable areas § 27 Nature parks Natural and scenic complexes § 29 Protected landscape components Plant, animal and fungi species protection § 30 Legally protected biotopes Reference: the Act on Environmental Protection of 16 April 2004 (Dz. U. of 2004, no. 92, item 880); BNatschG (2010),
III. The regime of nature protection in Poland Protected landscape area Documentation site Ecological arable land Nature monuments Landscape-nature complexes Landscape park Natura 2000 Nature reserve National park Plant, animal and fungi species protection
III. The regime of nature protection in Germany Biosphere reserves Nature park Landscape protection area legally protected biotopes Nature reserves Natura 2000 Protected landscape components National nature monuments National parks IUCN Categories
IV. Area of special nature value protected by law in Poland: Specification No. of objects Area in thousands hectares % of total areas of the country National parks 23 312,0 1,0 Nature reserves 1.469 123,2 0,5 Natura 2000 960 6.150,4 19,7 Landscape parks 121 2.577,8 8,1 Protected landscape areas 386 7600,1 22,4 Documentation sities 157 0,9 0,0 Ecological arable lands 6.952 51,7 0,2 Landscape-nature complexes 324 94,9 0,3 TOTAL - 41,4 Source: Polish General Statistical Office, Warsaw (2013) and own works.
IV. Area of special nature value protected by law in Germany: Specification No. of objects Area in km2 % of total areas of the country § 23 Nature reserves 8.481 13014 3,6 § 24 National parks 15 10395 2.9 § 25 Biosphere Reserve 16 18469 3,7 § 26 Landscape protection areas 8.210 100000 28,4 § 27 Nature parks 104 95000 27 § 28 Nature monuments No data available § 29 Protected landscape components § 30 Legally protected biotopes § 31 Natura 2000 5.253 80,729 15,4 @marta: can you explain what are: documentation sides and landscape nature complexes? Than I will seach for some data. But at hte moment I´m not sure if these two types are exist in germany. Source: BfN (2014),
Areas under protection 41,4% Natura 2000 47,6% Landscape parks 19,9%
Nature parks: 104 Biosphere reserve: 16 National parks: 15 Reference: DUH (2008)
V. The main problems of landscape and nature protection: Poland Germany improper implementation of law and administration system (e.g. the European Landscape Convention) ca. 60 % of all nature reserves are smaller than 50 ha, no buffering against negative external influences incerasing demand for areas with substantial environmental and landscape value (e.g. built-up area) nature protection depends on the owner of the property incorrect spatial development, the lack of local cooperation protection areas are created without serious usage restrictions low citizen ecological knowledge Many protected areas have a double function lack of new types of protected areas (e.g. ecological corridors) conservation managements agreements I will search for some more arguments, but normally you don´t learn such things at the university
VI. Protection of border landscape: a case study – The unique valley of Lower Odra
VII. Protection of border landscape: a case study – The unique valley of Lower Odra
VII. Protection of border landscape: a case study – The unique valley of Lower Odra A project is a result of the long-term cooperation between Poland and Germany in the Valley of the Lower Odra; The major objective of the project is the elaboration of the best solutions about international cooperation in the nature and landscape protection; The scope of the project includes: nature protection, development of landscape tourism, increasing of ecological knowledge and supporting of regional development; A value of the project is about 3,5 million euro and about 85% is founded by the European Regional Development Fund
National park Lower Odra Valley National park Lower Odra Valley was founded in 1995 60 km long wide flood plain, drained by many oxbow lakes Vegetation is : flood plain forests, wetland vegetation and dry grasslands At some parts: process conservation (Reference: Tourismusverein Unterers Odertal e.V. , 2014) Reference: LUA 2009 Reference: LUA 2009
Warta Mouth National Park formed in 2001 Warta Mouth National Park covers a surface of 8.074 hectares the Warta River flowing through the middle of the Park is a natural border between two areas, Northern Polder and the floodland the record of bird species of Warta Mouth National Park includes over 270 species along with 170 breeding ones Reference:
References: BfN (2014) [accessed: 10.04.2014] Polish General Statistical Office, Warsaw BNatschG, 2010., Bundesnaturschutzgesetz der BRD, Auszug, Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, http://www.gesetze-im- [accessed: 10.04.2014] DUH – Deutsche Umwelthilfe (2008), Großschutzgebiete in Deutschland – unsere Potntaile für Artenvielfalt werden zu wenig entwickelt, Magazin der Deutschen Umwelthilfe; p. 8-9 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg (LUA) (2014): Information flyer of the national park lower odra valley. Published by Landesumweltamt Brandenburg ,1p. The Act on Environmental Protection of 16 April 2004 (Dz. U. of 2004, No. 92, item 880) The unique valley of Lower Odra [accessed: 24.04.2014] Tourismusverein Unterers Odertal e.V. , (2014) http://www.unteres- [accessed: 28.04.0214] Umweltportal Gelsenkirchen (2014): p [accessed: 10.04.2014] Warta Mouth National Park [accessed: 30.04.2014]