Homelessness in Vancouver Brian Bossmann Geography US & Canada
Vancouver Vancouver is a hotspot for economic migrants The mild temperatures make it livable outside almost year round Vancouver is renowned for its flourishing drug trade and high rates of HIV infections Homelessness is becoming one of Vancouver's biggest problems
Police Intervention On February 21 police chief Jaime Grahm addressed the community about their problem with the homeless Vancouver police are being accused of picking up the homeless in the city and bringing them remote places outside of Vancouver Police are also putting together stings to catch people who go around and beat up and steal from the shelter less March 15 th marked the second only count of the homeless across the region totaling around 1200 people Vancouver recently bought 300 shopping carts to distribute to the homeless Drug dealers in the area are dressing up like the homeless and using the carts to hide and distribute drugs
The Homeless Absolute- living with no shelter Relative- those living in spaces that don’ t meet basic health and safety standards, individuals who rely on emergency shelters and hostels for accomidation 80 % of the homeless suffer from depression 75 % receive no money or income Without a permanent address finding work is almost impossible Around 70 % of the people are men Single women account for about ¼ of the population Squeeging and prostitution are the means of them getting money Tuberculosis and HIV are very common among the homeless because of sharing needles and having multiple sex partners Population has doubled in the last 2 years 2/3 of the homeless are between the ages of (this age group is the most vulnerable to drugs and disease)
B.C. Government In the late 80’s there was generous social assistance and welfare payments, this caused higher than normal market prices for economy rental accommodation By the early 90’s the government was making large cuts in Income Assistance Right know a family of 4 receives $590 a month and rent for the average 2 bedroom is $ % of renters pay more than half their income on rent Since 1994 the BC Government responded through a program called HOMES BC, which supplied more than 4,100 units of housing for individuals who are homeless or who are at risk of being homeless In 2001 all ten provinces signed the Affordable Housing Framework Agreement in Quebec Federal Government agreed to provide $680 million over 5years, the provinces agreed to match Quebec is the only province to match federal funds The BC Government are starting to build second-stage and permanent homes for the homeless but the rate is not high enough to have any real effect
Safe Street Act Was enforced to protect the citizens and tourist in the British Columbia area 1 st offense results in a small fine, 2 nd offense results in a $500 fine and up to 6 months in jail Makes it illegal to ask for money from someone or threaten them for money while their at a telephone, bank machine, waiting for a bus, or getting into a car, also known as panhandling Also makes squeeging illegal Police are becoming very strict about this law in preparation for the winter Olympics in 2010 There has been questions raised by the Anti-Poverty Committee saying that they are too harsh in the homeless limiting them to improve The Anti-Poverty Committee continually protests for equal opportunities
Questions Do you think that the BC government is wrong for imposing laws preventing the homeless from scraping by, by not allowing them to be able to panhandle and sqeeging cars What would you suggest as a solution to helping the homeless population from growing Homelessness is a major problem throughout Canada, do you think we have just as big a problem in the U.S. If you were approached by a homeless person how would you react
Sources “Between the Cracks: Homeless Youth in Vancouver”, The McCreary Centre Society Research Project on Homelessness in Greater Vancouver, prepared by the Greater Vancouver Regional District, in%20vancouver‘ in%20vancouver “Homelessness: A National Emergency- The Face of Homelessness in BC”, Creative Assistance, Bula, Frances, “Job Seeking Homeless”, Vancouver Sun Pilchin, Alex, “The Homeless in Vancouver”, Pilchinskys World, Nov. 12,