Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Overview More and more sports clubs are looking to increase revenue or reward members using a loyalty card scheme. The Chips loyalty scheme is a incredibly flexible, easy to manage and effective method of increasing sales in your bar, restaurant or shop by giving customers a discount when they present a valid swipe or smart card. The more they spend, the more reward they receive. In it’s simplest form, a flat rate discount can be applied to every member for all purchases. In more sophisticated schemes, different discount bands are created to control how much discount is given to different customer types depending on what they buy, where and when the purchase takes place. Click here to navigate Chips allows you to influence what your customers buy, when and how much so you can maximise your sales revenue and increase profitability. Chips also provides a simple and automated facility for holding happy hours or limited special product promotions. Back Next End
Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Main Features Use swipe cards, smart cards or proximity fobs Links with most door access systems so only one card is needed Split payments using cash and swipe card The more you spend the bigger the discount Top-up members’ accounts whilst serving other customers Balance checks and account statements printed at the till Pay for facility bookings using your membership card Instant replacement cards given with account history intact Extensive management reports and controls Benefits to the Member In an increasingly competitive market, members are always comparing the facilities offered by their own sports club to those of other clubs they visit. Chips is the most robust, reliable and flexible EPOS and swipe card system and delivers more benefits to members than any other system currently available and without any slowing of service at the till. Click here to navigate Back Next End
Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Example Print Outs for Members Members need to know that their money is being managed accurately and securely. The Chips till receipts and the systems ability to instantly report card balances and reprint a members trading history show that the club has complete control over the members pre-paid funds. Receipt showing: Order value Discount Given Opening Balance Amount Paid Closing Balance Statements can be printed at the till showing a summary for the period and then a list, in chronological order, of every payment, top-up and discount. Any queries about a payment can be resolved by the till operator entering the order number (e.g. O:64066) and an exact copy of that receipt, however long ago, can be printed and given to the member. The card statement is an absolute audit trail that protects both the till operator and the customer and clearly demonstrate that the club is in complete control over a members swipe card account. Click here to navigate Back Next End
Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Main Features One swipe operation – quicker than cash sales Continue serving other customers whilst topping-up cards Instant card loads at the point of sale (approx. 10 seconds) On-screen customer ID checking Cards for Group Bookings and staff drinks Card payments automatically reconciled in basic till Z-reading Balance checks and account history statements at the till Split card/cash payments Benefits to the Staff Bar staff operating these new facilities (such as topping up cards and checking members’ balances) must be able to do so without it slowing down basic till sales operations and effecting overall quality and speed of service. Chips was developed in partnership with over 100 bar stewards and retail professionals to ensure the operation of the system was both fast and easy. Click here to navigate Back Next End
Management Reports Introducing a swipe card system will involve the club holding and being responsible for large amounts of members’ cash. Management of a swipe card system must be both simple and effective so it does not become just another arduous daily office management task. Click on a report below Till Reconciliation (Z-Reading) Members Statements Card Account Balances Turnover Summary CRM, Sales and Marketing Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Click here to navigate Back Next End
Back Office Till Reconciliation The Chips Z-reading automatically records all the information required to reconcile the swipe card account without the bar staff having to perform any additional work. Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Report shows: Trading Summary The split between card and cash sales Swipe Card account Overview of card loads, spend and discounts Swipe card Pre-charges Lists each top-up with the transaction details Click here to navigate Back Next End
Back Office Card Statements A card statement can be printed in the back office for one or a group of members, visitors or staff Chips Loyalty Card Schemes card holders. The statements clearly show the following: Report shows: Transaction List A list of purchases by date and product group Spend/Levy Breakdown Shows which items were valid for levy spend and which items were not deductible from the annual levy. Information Summary Shows a summary of the periods transaction and the opening and closing account balance Click here to navigate Back Next End
Back Office Card Account Balances The card balance report provides a lot of useful information about your card holders, such as: Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Number of times used and amount spent Breakdown by card holder type: Member Visitor Operator Best performers e.g.; who has spent the most who has used their cards the most who has the most money on their account Click here to navigate Back Next End
Back Office Card Turnover Summary The turnover summary report provides an overview of the entire card account Chips Loyalty Card Schemes Memb. No: Name: Opening Balance: Levy: Precharge: Usage: Purchases: Membership Number Customers Name Opening balance for the period Annual levy paid into account Top ups paid over the bar Number of times card used Total value of goods purchased Comps: Turnover: Discounts: Transfer: Levy Spend: Forfeit: Closing Balance: Facility Booking fees deducted Total purchases plus booking fees Refunds due to discount at the bar Funds transferred to other cards Amount spent on items valid for levy spend Amount forfeit due to unspent levy Closing account balance for the period Fields Definitions Click here to navigate Back Next End
CRM, Sales and Marketing The Chips CRM data export allows you to create lists of customers that fall into specific customer types, who have purchased certain products or booked certain types of golf such as ten visitor green fees, a society or corporate golf day. Once selected you can quickly create address labels on a printer or mail merge to create personalised marketing letters. Chips Loyalty Card Schemes 1. Select results by Demographics: Customer or members type Age Gender Post Code Membership Joining Date 2. Select by Purchasing History: Product Group Specific PLU A purchase value range Product enquiries logged at the till No purchases in the period 3. Output results: to screen display purchase summary (yellow box) output address labels output to MS Word for mail merging Click here to navigate Back Next End