Reading is an essential receptive skill which helps in acquiring the language, vocabulary, and improves the comprehension and speed. Speed Reading helps you read and understand text more quickly. It is an essential skill in any environment where you have to understand a large amount of information quickly. Everyone can double their speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension.
The average college student reads between 24 and 50 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A "good" reading speed is around 60 to 122 words per minute, but some people can read a thousand words per minute or even faster.
There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: ( 1 ) the desire to improve ( 2 ) the willingness to try new techniques ( 3 ) the motivation to practice.
The Speed Reading competition was held for a week on December, The consent of the students was taken before hand and the name chits were prepared which were to be picked randomly to choose the students. We used two different colored chits, green, blue to differentiate between the good and weak readers respectively. There were two teachers to assess the students, a teacher to help with the microphones and the other to check the sand clock for time.
The students were called in according to the chit picked up, and they came forth, chose a paper for reading, which were arranged in front of them. The student speed read the paper for the required time (two minutes). Her words and mistakes were assessed by the teachers, which were later counted to get the results.
In elementary class ( grade 4 th.5 th.6 th ). 297 students participated in the reading competition. The girls were very enthusiastic for this competition, thus achieving the goal of this competition.
The results were displayed in the morning assembly, with their certificates on the PowerPoint and gifts. The certificates were also sent to the parents through Tawasal. Hence, speed reading competition became a success and left the students anticipating for it again and again !