Famous people
What traits should a person have to become famous? I think to become famous a person should be… I think to become famous a person should have… In my opinion a famous person should be… I agree with you… I disagree with you…
Who are the British proud of? William Shakespeare Singer Agatha ChristiePolitician J. R. R. Tolkien Princess of Wales Sir Isaac Newton Writer and poet David Beckham detective writer Sir Paul McCartney Scientist Diana English footballer Sir Winston Churchill Film star Robert PattinsonWriter
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Famous people of the USA
Who is the person? What does he/she look like? What is he/she famous for?
Walt Disney Choose the correct answer 1. Walt Disney … on December 5, He was an … cartoonist and the creator of entertainment park. 3. He … in Chicago and … to Los Angeles. 4. Disney was … as a founder of Walt Disney Company, … and Walt Disney World Resort. 5. He created a number of the world's most famous fictional characters, such as …. 6. He … 26 Academy Awards out of 59 …. 7. Disney … of cancer in 1966.
Famous People of Russia Ivan Urgant
Evgeni Plushenko
Janna Friske
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