Growth and Prosperity By the time of the first U.S. Census (an official count of people in an area) in 1790 to 1840 the country had grown in population from 4 million to 17 million. Georgia’s population grew as well from 83,000 in 1790 to 692,000 in 1840.
The Move West In order to keep peace with the Native American Tribes, the government ordered Americans not to move west of the Appalachian Mountains. In order to keep peace with the Native American Tribes, the government ordered Americans not to move west of the Appalachian Mountains. The discovery of an old Indian path in the Appalachians called the Cumberland Gap allowed colonists to move their wagons westward The discovery of an old Indian path in the Appalachians called the Cumberland Gap allowed colonists to move their wagons westward
Indian Land Cumberland Gap 13 States
Louisiana Purchase 1803 The Largest Land Gain in History Doubled the Size of the U.S. France sold it to the U.S. for 15 million Dollars or $ Today Average Property Value. 3 $20,000 Acres of Land X 52,991,780 52,991,780 Total 15,000,000 1,059,835,600,000
What were the French thinking? $1,059,835,600,000 That’s over 1 Trillion Dollars D’Oh
After the Louisiana Purchase people began to rapidly move west for several reasons but the #1 Reason was Cheap Land. After the Louisiana Purchase people began to rapidly move west for several reasons but the #1 Reason was Cheap Land.
Review Questions How much did the United States pay for the Louisiana Purchase? How much did the United States pay for the Louisiana Purchase? By how much did the United States grow after the purchase? By how much did the United States grow after the purchase? How many people were living in the United States at 1790? How many in 1840? How many people were living in the United States at 1790? How many in 1840? What is your best guess on why so many people moved south? What were they looking for? What is your best guess on why so many people moved south? What were they looking for?
Georgia’s Land Area Expands Although Georgia had a lot of land very few people lived in it, most of the land was inhabited by Native Americans, such as Creeks and Cherokees Although Georgia had a lot of land very few people lived in it, most of the land was inhabited by Native Americans, such as Creeks and Cherokees
Natives Get a Bad Deal Many Creek and Cherokee Indians went into debt with the settlers Many Creek and Cherokee Indians went into debt with the settlers The native Americans were pressured/ forced to cede (give up) even more land as more and more people were coming into Georgia. The native Americans were pressured/ forced to cede (give up) even more land as more and more people were coming into Georgia. Indians ceded 2 million acres in the Back Country (land far from inhabited towns) Indians ceded 2 million acres in the Back Country (land far from inhabited towns)
Distributing Public Land Georgia decided it would be better to give the new Indian land away than to sell it. Georgia decided it would be better to give the new Indian land away than to sell it. They decided that they would rather have more people move to Georgia than they would make from selling it. Any ideas why? They decided that they would rather have more people move to Georgia than they would make from selling it. Any ideas why? Selling land brings PEOPLE Selling land brings PEOPLE Giving land away encourages MORE PEOPLE WHO WILL STAY a long time & invest in the future of the state. Giving land away encourages MORE PEOPLE WHO WILL STAY a long time & invest in the future of the state. GEORGIA DECIDES TO GIVE LAND AWAY (Remember the land belonged to the natives) GEORGIA DECIDES TO GIVE LAND AWAY (Remember the land belonged to the natives)
Headright System The 1 st system for distributing land The 1 st system for distributing land A system for giving away plats (map of land lot’s boundaries) of land. A system for giving away plats (map of land lot’s boundaries) of land. The head of the household got 200 acres The head of the household got 200 acres Each member of the household got 50 acres Each member of the household got 50 acres No more than 1000 acres No more than 1000 acres Veterans from the Revolution got more land. Veterans from the Revolution got more land.
Each person wanted the best land. Each person wanted the best land. Because of this many Headright lands were often irregularly shaped as everyone wanted to have the best land. Because of this many Headright lands were often irregularly shaped as everyone wanted to have the best land.
Land Lotteries Georgia got rid of the Headright System of giving away land and decided on a land lottery: a contest to win land. Georgia got rid of the Headright System of giving away land and decided on a land lottery: a contest to win land. Each citizen entered into a drawing for up to 160 Acre lots of land. Each citizen entered into a drawing for up to 160 Acre lots of land.
Lottery Rules Live in Georgia for 12 months You have to be at least 21 years old You can only enter once
Lottery Continued People were drawn at random People were drawn at random The winners of the lottery were called, “fortunate drawers.” The winners of the lottery were called, “fortunate drawers.” The winners could do whatever they wanted to with the land The winners could do whatever they wanted to with the land Gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Dahlonega, Georgia so those lots were only 40 acres Gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Dahlonega, Georgia so those lots were only 40 acres Pay recording fee of 4 cent an acre Pay recording fee of 4 cent an acre 5 more lotteries held over the next 30 years. 5 more lotteries held over the next 30 years.
Georgia’s Capital Moves Savannah1733 Augusta1786 Louisville1796 Milledgeville1807 Atlanta1868 As more people moved to Georgia, the capital moved to be close to the center of the population.
S.A.L.M.A.- Georgia’s 5 Capitals REMEMBER REMEMBER S.A.L.M.A S.A.L.M.A S Savannah A Augusta L Louisville M Milledgeville A Atlanta
Yazoo Land Fraud Much of land to the west of Georgia belonged to the Native Americans Much of land to the west of Georgia belonged to the Native Americans Natives did not believe in owning land. Natives did not believe in owning land. Businessmen asked state officials about buying the state owned land near the Mississippi River Businessmen asked state officials about buying the state owned land near the Mississippi River The Businessmen were called speculators: people who buy land cheap and sell high The Businessmen were called speculators: people who buy land cheap and sell high Speculators buy Sell
Yazoo Land Fraud continued This is legal except when government officials are bribed (they took money) to pass a law making the land available for sale. This is legal except when government officials are bribed (they took money) to pass a law making the land available for sale. Four companies bribed Governor George Matthews and state lawmakers to pass a law allowing them to buy between million acres for 1.5 cents an acre!!!! Four companies bribed Governor George Matthews and state lawmakers to pass a law allowing them to buy between million acres for 1.5 cents an acre!!!! The land speculators then sold the land to individuals and made HUGE profits. The land speculators then sold the land to individuals and made HUGE profits.
Yazoo Land Fraud All of these deals were done without the people of Georgia knowing and the citizens were outrage. All of these deals were done without the people of Georgia knowing and the citizens were outrage. The deal was repealed (abolished, taken back) & the law burned at the state capitol The deal was repealed (abolished, taken back) & the law burned at the state capitol Many people who bought the land were refunded money Many people who bought the land were refunded money Some refused to take the refund and fought up to the Supreme Court where they were paid more money than they bought the land for by the Federal Government Some refused to take the refund and fought up to the Supreme Court where they were paid more money than they bought the land for by the Federal Government
What about the Indians? Once the Yazoo Land Fraud was repaired the question remained: What about the Indians? Once the Yazoo Land Fraud was repaired the question remained: What about the Indians? The national government agreed to pay Georgia $1,250,000 and promised to remove the Native Americans. The national government agreed to pay Georgia $1,250,000 and promised to remove the Native Americans. By 1802, Georgia’s western border becomes the Chattahoochee River By 1802, Georgia’s western border becomes the Chattahoochee River
Georgia Georgia gives up its land westward to create two new states Georgia gives up its land westward to create two new states Alabama In 1819 Mississippi 1817
Government Encourages Economic Growth With the Indians moved westward Georgia was attracting more people and more $ came with them With the Indians moved westward Georgia was attracting more people and more $ came with them The soil in the new land was perfect for growing cotton and people came to get rich. The soil in the new land was perfect for growing cotton and people came to get rich. What is the relationship between gaining more land and soil good for growing cotton? What is the relationship between gaining more land and soil good for growing cotton?
Eli Whitney’s Cotton En(GIN)e Eli Whitney's invention allowed the cotton seeds to be easily separated from the pod Eli Whitney's invention allowed the cotton seeds to be easily separated from the pod His machine could generate up to fifty pounds of cleaned cotton daily, making cotton production profitable for the southern states. His machine could generate up to fifty pounds of cleaned cotton daily, making cotton production profitable for the southern states.
Railroads The train helped to deliver goods such as cotton to market faster and cheaper so they could be sold. The train helped to deliver goods such as cotton to market faster and cheaper so they could be sold. TIME = MONEY TIME = MONEY Transportation like the train was needed because many cotton plantations were far away from rivers and streams. Transportation like the train was needed because many cotton plantations were far away from rivers and streams. The state got involved with railroad building because it was very expensive and the money to build them was limited. The state got involved with railroad building because it was very expensive and the money to build them was limited.
By 1833, Georgia Chartered two railroads to be built. By 1833, Georgia Chartered two railroads to be built. By 1838, the track was completed from Augusta to Greensboro, and on to Madison and Athens 3 years later. By 1838, the track was completed from Augusta to Greensboro, and on to Madison and Athens 3 years later. The most effective RR was the Western & Atlantic (W&A) The most effective RR was the Western & Atlantic (W&A)
Atlanta is Born Original name of the city was Terminus (means end of the railroad line) southeast of the Chattahoochee River Original name of the city was Terminus (means end of the railroad line) southeast of the Chattahoochee River The end of the W&A was then called Marthasville after the daughter of the ex- governor Wilson Lumpkin. The end of the W&A was then called Marthasville after the daughter of the ex- governor Wilson Lumpkin. By 1847, the town exceeded 400 people and a new name was needed. By 1847, the town exceeded 400 people and a new name was needed. The chief engineer of the W&A suggested Atlanta after the Atlantic in the name W&A. The chief engineer of the W&A suggested Atlanta after the Atlantic in the name W&A. The name was officially changed from Marthasville to Atlanta The name was officially changed from Marthasville to Atlanta
“Gate City” Atlanta was nicknamed the “Gate City” because it is in between the Atlantic seaboard and the Midwest. Atlanta was nicknamed the “Gate City” because it is in between the Atlantic seaboard and the Midwest. Still a Gate City for travel and transport with the interstate system and the busiest airport in the world, Hartsfield Jackson International. Still a Gate City for travel and transport with the interstate system and the busiest airport in the world, Hartsfield Jackson International.
U.GA. IS BORN! With all the growth in Georgia, the state decided education was important and it needed a university. With all the growth in Georgia, the state decided education was important and it needed a university. In 1784, the General Assembly In 1784, the General Assembly set aside 40,000 acres of land for higher education. On January2 7, 1785, the University of Georgia was incorporated by the General On January2 7, 1785, the University of Georgia was incorporated by the GeneralAssembly. It became the first state chartered It became the first state chartered university in America.
Review Questions What did Georgia do to help steamboats? What did Georgia do to help steamboats? Why were trains important to plantations? Why were trains important to plantations? What was Georgia first called? What was Georgia first called? Why was Georgia called the “Gate City?” Why was Georgia called the “Gate City?”
Religious Activities Anglicans, Quakers, and Methodist circuit riders (traveling ministers for frontier dwellers) grew in number Anglicans, Quakers, and Methodist circuit riders (traveling ministers for frontier dwellers) grew in number Many Baptists in Georgia, Georgia Baptist Convention created Many Baptists in Georgia, Georgia Baptist Convention created Georgia’s first Roman Catholic Church established in Wilkes County in 1796 Georgia’s first Roman Catholic Church established in Wilkes County in 1796 Savannah had active Jewish synagogue Savannah had active Jewish synagogue As more towns were established, churches become central to community life As more towns were established, churches become central to community life In other parts of America, the Mormon church and the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) churches were started In other parts of America, the Mormon church and the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) churches were startedAfrican Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.)African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.)