Oceans Elizabeth Demaree
Science 3 rd Grade The purpose of this Power point is for the students to understand about the oceans and where they are located. Objective- Given facts about the different oceans, the students will able to answer the questions on the slides with 100% accuracy. Content Standard- Students will use the information to identify earth’s major landforms and water bodies.
Facts Oceans cover around 70% of Earth During winter, the Artic Ocean is mostly completely covered in ice The ring of fire is located in the Pacific Ocean The deepest area of the oceans is known as Mariana Trench
Facts The Indian Ocean is located between Africa and Southern Asia The Indian Ocean is also the warmest The largest ocean is the Pacific The Atlantic can be found between the United States and Europe Sharks are mostly found in the Atlantic Ocean
Question 1 What ocean is on the eastern side of the United States? Atlantic Pacific Indian
Correct You Got It
Question 2 What is the warmest ocean? Artic Pacific Indian
Correct You are doing awesome!
Question 3 What is the biggest ocean? Atlantic Indian Pacific
Correct Congrats! You did it!
Incorrect Sorry! Try again!
Work Cited and-sea-100-intereting-facts and-sea-100-intereting-facts ns.html ns.html