Andrew Beverage Rachelle Christy
TeamPeace Assists Immigrant Youth ◦ Integration into US Society ◦ Improve Self-Esteem Requesting $50,000 Grant Grant Enables Summer Program
“To unite youth from immigrant families through education, relationship building and playing games.”
Location: Fairfax, Virginia Serve Northern Virginia Overview: Non-Profit Volunteers & Staff Serve Youths Create Partnerships
Schools YCMA 4-H Foundation The Arbinger Institute Peaceplayers International
INPUTACTIVITESOUTPUTSOUTCOMES -TeamPeace’s Resources -TeamPeace’s Partners -Team Building Games and Activities -Education -Performance Indicators -Youth Development of Groups - Youth Respect of Diversity -Youth Involvement in Leadership Opportunities
TeamPeace’s Summer Program is a 1-week day camp designed to submerge 30 youth between the ages of in combination of leadership and teambuilding activities and theories. 2 weeks total Session #1– June 10-14, 2013 Session #2- June 17-21, 2013
Day 1: “Way of Being: Something Deeper” Day 2: “The Two Ways: People vs. Objects” Day 3: “The Box” Day 4: “Collusion” Day 5: “Getting Out of the Box”
7:30-8:30 Registration 8:30-9:00 Welcome/Introductions 9:00-9:30 Icebreaker Activity 9:30-10:30 Group Game 10:30-12:00 Diagram #1: Way of Being: Something Deeper 12:00-1:30 Lunch/Break 1:30-2:30 Group Game 2:30-4:00 Break Out Session 4:00-5:00 Wrap-up/Group Debrief
“Way of Being: Something Deeper” ◦ 1) Tell a Story: tell a personal story about a time when you engaged in a behavior but didn’t really mean it. ◦ 2) Ask: “If I don’t really care about the person, do you think they can tell? Even if I act like I do?” ◦ 3) Teach: “There is something deeper than behavior, that others can sense—something that, when wrong, undercuts the effectiveness of even the most outwardly correct behavior.” ◦ 4) Exercises– Hand shaking-Two Ways/High Five—Two Ways ◦ 5) Follow-up: “Did the two ways of shaking hands/giving high fives feel different to you?” Let several of the participants respond.
Distribute a pre/post survey to participants Staff focus group discussion ◦ Learned? ◦ Pros/Cons? ◦ How can we improve? ◦ Cost effectiveness
Line ItemItemAmount 1Facility Rental$15,000 2Advertisement$5,000 3T-Shirts$2,000 4Game Supplies$7,000 5Materials$5,000 6Food$8,000 7Staff$8,000 Grand Total$50,000