‘Next steps – a new London Council’s funded programme to support the violence against women sector
Who are we? - Consortium Members Ashiana AVA Brent Asian Women’s Centre Each Forward UK Chinese Information & Advice Centre Imece Iranian, Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation Jewish Women’s Aid Latin American Women’s Rights Service Nia Refuge Respect Rights of Women Southall Black Sisters Tender Education and Arts Women & Girls Network Women’s Aid Women’s Resource Centre
What are we doing? Five strands: Prevention Advice, counselling, outreach, drop-in and support for access to services Helpline and coordinated access to refuge provision Specifically targeted services FGM, Honour based violence (HBV), forced marriage and other harmful practices Support services to sexual and domestic violence voluntary sector organisations
Second tier strand – supporting the VAWG sector Management support (financial, governance, recruitment, workforce development, ICT, premises, fundraising, tenders/contracts, recruitment of board members) Support service improvements (delivery, data collection, monitoring, evaluating and adapting) Improve partnerships and networking Ensure services are kept up to date
Other strands Prevention Intention to expand work beyond schools to include YOTs and PRUs Advice, counselling, outreach, drop-in and support for access to services Overarching commitment to work with the issues and ensure all women are supported Helpline and coordinated access to refuge provision Monitoring access to refuges – especially for those with complex needs Specifically targeted services FGM, Honour based violence (HBV), forced marriage and other harmful practices Includes two specialist refuges for women with PSU and outreach work which includes delivery of workshops across London.
The bad news Scarlet Centre is closing but the following Eaves services will continue: Amina Peer mentoring for women aged 18+ who have experienced sexual violence at any time, including emotional support, help through police reporting, court cases, and compensation claims. Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA) Court and police support for women and girls aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence who live, work or study in the Lambeth area. LEA Project (London Exiting Action) Advice, advocacy, sign-posting and support for women aged 18+ wishing to exit prostitution. Poppy Project Support, accommodation and advocacy for trafficked women aged 16+.
Related news MOPAC starting the process for a new VAWG strategy for London Includes survivor consultation to inform the process Possibility of regional VAWG commissioning for underserved groups