Copyright Laws What you should know! Presented By: Ms. Diana Arcaute 4 th Grade Teacher Las Yescas Elementary Los Fresnos CISD
What is Copyright? In simple terms, copyright laws protect the rights of the publisher. Materials that are copyrighted include: literary text, plays, movies, music, journal articles, musical performances, classroom textbooks, teacher resources.
Tip #1 Get Informed! It is important you understand that you are accountable for copyright violations. Penalties include fines, lawsuits, court cost, attorney fees. Fines up to $150,000 per willful violation. If you are caught violating copy right laws you can be sued!
Ways to avoid copyright infringement! Fair Use of copyrighted materials What is fair use? Fair use policy gives you an opportunity to protect yourself against copyright lawsuits. Ask yourself the four fair use questions before you use any copyrighted materials. Use the four factor fair use test!
Fair Use- Ask yourself these questions! 1 Is the work protected? 2. If the work is protected, has your campus already licensed rights for you to use the works? 3. Is the work available freely on the open Web, and therefore covered by an implied license? Materials found online are subject to copyright!
Fair Use Test 1.What is the character of the use? 2.What is the nature of the work to be used? 3.How much of the work will you use? 4.What effects would this use have on the market for the original or for permissions on the use were widespread? Click the link below for more details!
The Teach Act Copyrights for Teachers Copyright law provides educators with a separate set of rights in addition to fair use, to display (show) and perform (show or play) others' works in the classroom. These rights are in Section 110(1) of the Copyright Act and apply to any work, regardless of the medium. l
Teach Act Information Use the Teach Act Checklist ecklist ecklist You can also find help at North Carolina State University Teach ACT Tool Kit
Get Permission! Type of WorksContact Parts of a book/journalCopyright Clearance Center CCC ImagesAcademic Image Cooperative Artist Rights Society Music PerformancesThe Harry Fox Agency Inc. MoviesMotion Picture Licensing Cooperation News ArchiveCheck archive online with newspaper company
A need for copyright reform! Copyright laws are confusing! Technology is rapidly changing the way one views copyright laws. People create websites and post information on a daily basis in order to share information. Creators of copyright materials must be willing to share and allow people to recreate material in order to enhance learning. Knowledge is built on Knowledge! Why not share it?
Mass Digitalization Projects nation wide are collaborating and digitizing mass amounts of media with one common goal to share information. To help in this effort visit- Google- Mass Digitalization for tons of results!
Creative Commons Promotes Sharing Ideas! Allows creators the opportunity to share their work so others are able to use it and recreate it. Creators are still allowed protection while allowing others to use their work. -Example of a website using a creative commons license is Copyright Crash Course.
Copyright Crash Course By- Georgia K. Harper Information for this PowerPoint provided by Copyright Crash Course This website is cited under a creative commons license. Click the link to visit the license agreement
Share your works with a Common License one?license_code=by&jurisdiction=us&version= 3.0&lang=en_US one?license_code=by&jurisdiction=us&version= 3.0&lang=en_US A useful website!
Resources for Teachers Open Content Alliance Library – Over 70,000 books online online books resourceblog/category/384 Free resources
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