LNG Liquefaction, Storage & Delivery Prefabricated & Manufactured M&R Facilities & Lateral Interconnects Complete Solutions for Natural Gas, LNG,Gas Storage, SCADA & Power Customers SCADA & Topside Facilities Distributed Generation Combined Heat & Power Engineering, Fabrication, Field Services, Project Management, Development & Financing. NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Our 85,000 square foot Complex Located Near Boston, Combines Engineering, Administration & Operations. Gas Storage & Compression
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S CORPORATE HIGHLIGHTS Developed Company with Patented Technology and Complete System Solutions Interconnect Specialists for Business and Technical 41 Facilities and SCADA for PNGTS and Maritimes & Northeast Pipelines Grassroots LNG and Storage Efforts Engineering, Management Consulting and Strategic Planning SCADA, HMI and Back Office Efforts Field Services with OQ Staff 45 GSA’s and Alliance Partnerships for Gas, Storage, LNG and IPP’s Complete Staff of Engineers, Welders, Electricians, Developers & Support Personnel in Our 85,000 Sq. Ft. Engineering/Fabrication Facility.
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Business Strategy Create Northstar Corporate Resources Set Up Alliance Partnerships, GSA’s & Develop Projects With Clients As a Partner Perform Preliminary Engineering Provide Financing Options & Create Equity Opportunities Perform Final Design, Fabrication & Manufacturing Install, Commission, Train & Project Documentation Provide On-Going Field Services & Engineering GSA’s In-Place: PECO/EXELONDuke EnergyLodi Gas StorageNiSource Peoples GasEnergy EastGreat Lakes GasEaston Utilities El Paso EnergyPacific Gas & ElectricPNGTSPG Energy WilliamsGulf SouthXcel EnergySCANA/SC Pipeline Calpine EnergyGreenville UtilitiesSitheMid America Pipeline NRG EnergyBorough of ChambersburgEnbridgeMirant DominionWakefield MunicipalGulfstream PipelineJamaica Public Service NorescoMaine Natural GasFitchburg Gas & ElectricSempra
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Patented Modular Gas Facilities US Patent 6,176,046 Pipeline Topside & Interconnect Facilities. Fabricated Offsite & Installed as Complete Systems Available as Complete Systems or Individual Modules Available as Complete Systems or Individual Modules Filtering & Pigging, Measurement & Flow Control, In-Line Heating, Pressure Control, Odorization & SCADA Single Building Design Delivers 105 MMCFD Complete City Gate Station Launchers & Receivers Pipeline Integrity US Patent 6,176,046 ModularGasFacilities HP Gas M&R Room Complete 17 MMCFD Station Fast Track Installation
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Skid Mounted Facilities Single & Multi-function Skids Custom Design & Fabrication Multi-function skids (filter, meter, SCADA, in-line heating & pressure/flow control) provide benefits of combined facility concept. Northstar skid mounted facilities provide a lower cost alternative when security or weather are less of a concern.
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Liquefied Natural Gas Patented Designs & Recent EPC Experience Based on Patented Modular Gas Facilities Heat Source, Odorization, Controls, SCADA, Emergency Power Storage, Containment, Truck Fill/Unload, Vaporization LNG Process Area Control Building Modular design allows for fast track EPC & easy expansion. Phase Phase US Patent 6,474,101 LNG to CNG Fueling System Project Development & Finance for Regional LNG Hub Facilities Vaporization Utilizing Remote Boilers
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Gas Storage and Compression Lodi Gas Storage Scope included SCADA, Compressor Controls, Flow Control, Metering and Regulation for 18 BCF field with 500,000 MCFD interconnection. Developed a unique wireless Ethernet control system that allows operator to remotely manage the field. Gas Compression Scope of Services: Project Development & Financing Pipeline Compressor Optimization Studies Preliminary/Front End Engineering Detail Engineering & Design Construction Management & Construction Services EPC Project Services
NORTHSTAR I N D U S T R I E S Engineering & SCADA Northstar Engineering Team members are from gas pipeline and distribution companies from throughout the USA, and include licensed professional engineers. Complete SCADA Solutions from Modular Control Center to Remotely Operated Facilities, combined security, systems, programming, operator stations, power and communications.