Hawaii Volcanoes Uma Prasad
Map of Park
Facts Hawaii Volcanoes was founded in 1916 The Park is 333,000 acres large It is home to one of the worlds most active volcanoes There is 150 miles of hiking trails
Volcanoes Volcanoes are an important landform at Hawaii Volcanoes.
Ocean Hawaii Volcanoes National Park borders the Pacific Ocean, which is another important landform.
Craters Craters are another important landform.
Wildlife This is a nene, a very rare bird. This is an endangered animal called a Hawaiian Hawk. The goose is the state bird of Hawaii, and it is also seen at the National Park Gorillas are also seen at Hawaii Volcanoes
An environmental issue is that there are dangerous gasses in some areas
The land changes when the volcanoes erupt. The Park was formed when the volcanoes were formed.
The rocks that are found in Hawaii Volcanoes are Obsidian, Basalt, Cinders, and Bombs
Bibliography Google www.nps.org Yahoo answers Google images
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