Vicious Volcanoes Lacey B. Deegan G. T.J. M. D’Angelo W.
What is a Volcano? A volcano is an opening or vent in the Earth where lava, melted rock and hot gases and ash come out. A volcano includes the mountain of rock and lava that forms around the opening. As each eruption adds lava and rock, the volcano mountain usually grows in a cone or dome shape.
Where Are Volcanoes? Volcanoes can be found in…. Under the seas/oceans Italy at Mount Vesuvius Alaska In the Pacific Ocean in an area called the Ring of Fire. Hawaii Mexico See an under sea volcano re/2009/03/undersea_eruption s_near_tonga.html re/2009/03/undersea_eruption s_near_tonga.html
Fun Facts We call a volcano that has stopped erupting extinct. Volcanoes are found in space too. Volcanoes have helped to shape the planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and even our Moon. Some Hawaiians believe that when a volcano erupts a new island forms by a goddess called Pele.
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