The Dental Nursing Diploma Program DNDP Established in 1993 At the College of Dentistry KSU
DNDP 2 yrs program organized on a yearly credit system
Number of graduated dentists demand for dental assistants
TO PRODUCE DENTAL ASSISTANTS Who work directly with the dentist in all aspects of the patient's treatment and care
Dental Assistants are extremely important members of the dental healthcare team
They are like the doctor's "second set of hands"
"I can't work without one"
DNDP Entry requirements High school diploma GPA 70% & Pass written + interview
DNDP Graduation Requirements University requirements 4 hrs Program requirements 21 hrs Total = 25 hrs
DNDP University requirements Islamic Culture : 1 Credit Arabic Language : 1 Credit Intensive English Language : 2 Credit _______ _______ 4 Credits
DNDP Program Requirements 21 Credits Specialization Courses ( Theory & Clinic )
Clinical Practice Place: In the clinics of the college Time : The later weeks of the 1 st yr & the whole of the 2 nd yr the whole of the 2 nd yr
Vocational Attachment 4 weeks training (signed certificate = S P) Place : MOH Clinics Or Equivalent Hospitals & Polyclinics Time : During summer vacation bw 1 st & 2 nd levels
DDA 101 Introduction to Dental Assisting 1 Credit 14 /1 hr lectures
Evaluation Continuous Evaluation 60% Final 40%
Continuous Evaluation a. Quizzes 10% b. Faculty Assessment 20% (4 assessment Tests) c. Midterm Exam 20% d. Project: 10% Personal hygiene kit
Final Written Exam 40%
DDA 101 Teaches you how Dental Assistants are extremely important members of the dental healthcare team
That is why the assistant must be a team player (the ability to deal physically, mentally, psychologically with other members) If you are not!!!!! >>>> think again
Dental Assistants work directly with the dentist in all aspects of the patient's treatment and care to perform fast, safe, and accurate work
Some of the many job responsibilities of a Dental Assistant: Preparing the treatment room and patient for a variety of procedures
Taking, developing and mounting x-rays
Preparing and mixing dental materials to be used during treatment procedures
Sterilizing instruments and maintaining infection control in the office
A variety of laboratory procedures like making models of patient's teeth
Many other valuable and essential duties in the dental office
Now you have a Choice !!!! TO BE OR NOT TO BE
Vital Member Dental Assistant Vital Member Dental Assistant Well Educated = Academic knowledge & Well Trained = Experience + Practical Skills
Educated & Trained
Well Educated & Well Trained
DNDP will prepare you to be a member of the dental team you have to have the
Well Educated & Well Trained