America’s Thinning Social Contract “Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about health care.” AgreeDisagree Not Sure/Refused People who are unemployed and poor should be able to get the same amount and quality of medical services as people who have good jobs and are paying substantial taxes % % Adapted by Arnold Milstein, MD from a HarrisInteractive poll as reported In Health Care News, March 14, 2003
America’s Thinning Social Contract “Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about health care.” AgreeDisagree Not Sure/Refused % % Adapted by Arnold Milstein, MD from a HarrisInteractive poll as reported In Health Care News, March 14, 2003 The government should do whatever is necessary, whatever it costs in taxes, to see that everyone gets the medical care they need.
America’s Thinning Social Contract “Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about health care.” AgreeDisagree Not Sure/Refused The higher someone’s income is, the more he or she should expect to pay in taxes to cover the cost of people who are less well off and are heavy users of medical services % % Adapted by Arnold Milstein, MD from a HarrisInteractive poll as reported In Health Care News, March 14, 2003