What is a College? A college is a secondary learning facility. A college is usually a place for general or specific studies. A university is a made up of several colleges. Colleges offer a wide variety of classes and they offered at different times.
Why should I go to college? College can prepare you further for a career in the world. Most high paying jobs require a college degree. The more education you have the more likely you are to get a job at a higher pay rate than if you do not have a college degree.
What should I know about College? You have to have self-control to go to college. What does it mean to have self control? College is harder than high school. College can be a fun or horrible time, the choice is up to you on what it will be. College will prepare you for a job. College will help you meet people in your field and form life long connections.
How do I pay for college? There are several ways you can pay for college. Financial Aid: this is money that is loaned to you from the federal government. You have to pay it back. Scholarships: this is money that is given to you by the college or a third party. You do not have to pay this back. Grants: This is money given to you by the federal government. It is different than a loan because you do not have to pay it back. Personal Money.
How long will college take me? A normal bachelors degree takes 3 to 5 years so the average is 4. A masters degree will take an extra 2 to 3 years after receiving a bachelors. A Doctorate degree, often seen as a Ph. D. will take another 2 to 3 years.
What is a Trade School A trade school is a secondary school that is usually specific to a certain skill. A trade school is specific and some what limited to what classes they offer. A trade school is harder than high school.
What should I know about a Trade School? A trade school is often much less expensive than a college or university. A trade school will train you for a specific set of skills or a certain job field. I.E. air condition repair, mechanic, chef. A trade school is often shorter in time than a college to receive your degree/training.
How do I pay for Trade school? Just like college, trade schools can be paid for in much the same way. Financial Aid. Grants Third party loans. However most trade schools do not offer scholarships.
How long will trade school take me? Normally trade school is far less time consuming than college. On average you can finish a trade school in as little as 6 months to 3 years. The type of career you choose often will tell you how long you would have to spend in a trade school.
Questions you have about College/Trade School? What additional questions do you have about college or trade school? Assignment: You are to pick 3 different colleges/trade schools that you might like to attend or you might like to research further. If you do not know any you will given the opportunity to search quickly for some that you will research later.