Lesson 17 A Christian’s Use of God’s Word Confirmation Class Lesson 17 A Christian’s Use of God’s Word
Knowing the Word (Bible History) The lineage of the Savior is found in two places in the New Testament Matthew 1 (back to Abraham) Luke 3 (back to Adam) The purpose #1 II Timothy 3:15 The purpose #2 II Timothy 3:16-17
Old Testament: The “Red Line of the Promise” (The Old Testament is above all “salvation history”) Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:15) (ca. 6,000-10,000 years ago) Cain - Abel - Seth Noah Shem - Ham - Japheth (2000 B.C.) Abraham Isaac Jacob - Esau Judah & Joseph & 10 Brothers (12 Tribes of Israel) (1000 B.C.) David Kings Jesus
Creation to the Tower of Babel Bible Book Genesis 1-11 1. Where we came from 2. How sin started 3. First promise of a Savior 4. God’s punishment for unbelief (the flood) 5. Origin of languages (Tower of Babel)
Abraham to Sinai (2000-1500 B.C.) Bible Books Genesis 12-50 Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy 1. Call of Abraham (Origin of “Israel”) 2. Migration to Egypt 3. Oppression in Egypt 4. Exodus under Moses (1500 B.C.) 5. Giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai 6. 40 years of wilderness wandering
Conquest of Canaan to the United Monarchy (1500-1000 B.C.) Bible Books Joshua Judges Ruth I Samuel 1-7 1. Invasion and conquest under Joshua 2. Division of Land 3. Rule of Judges (Deborah, Gideon, Samson,etc.)
United Monarchy to the Fall and Return of Judah (1000-400 B.C.) Bible Books I & II Samuel I & II Kings I & II Chronicles Poetical Books Prophetical Books Saul David (1000 B.C.) United Monarchy Solomon Divided Monarchy
Divided Monarchy Rehoboam Jeroboam (South – Judah) (North – Israel) (Kings, both godless (all godless kings) And godpleasing) 722 B.C. Conquered and scattered by Assyrians 586 B.C. Conquered and Deported by the Babylonians
Divided Monarchy Judah Bible Books Esther Ezra Nehemiah Prophetical Books Judah 586 B.C. Conquered and Deported by the Babylonians 536 B.C. Return to Jerusalem 400 B.C. End of the Old Testament Jesus
New Testament The Birth, Life, Suffering, and death of Jesus Christ (4 B.C. – 29 A.D.) Bible Books Matthew Mark Luke John
New Testament 2. A History of the Early Christian Church (29 A.D. – 100 A.D.) Bible Books Acts (history, written by Luke) All the Epistles (Letters written to congregations and individuals)
STUDYING THE Word Personal and Group Study Types: 1. Overview 2. Verse by Verse 3. Topical 4. With a Devotional Book B. How to study the Bible: Begin with prayer Ask as you study: What does it say? What does it tell me about myself? What does it tell me about my Lord? What will it lead me to do?
STUDYING THE Word Personal and Group Study Use of Bible Study helps: maps references Concordances Bible Dictionary Catechism www.Globible.com www.biblegateway.com NPH “People’s Bible” editions NPH “People’s Bible Teachings” editions Concordia’s Complete Bible Handbook for Students
STUDYING THE Word Personal and Group Study Where to Begin? Luke Acts Romans Philippians I Peter John Genesis Prayer and Bible Study go together
The Church Year Two main parts: 1. Festival – Life of Christ 2. Non-festival – Our life in Christ Three main festivals: 1. Christmas 2. Easter 3. Pentecost *For a PDF file of the present church year calendar, go to www.nph.net/wb and click on the link for the present church year calendar.
See handout
The Church Year Special Colors Violet = Repentance White = Joy Black = Mourning Red = Fire of the Holy Spirit Green = Growth Blue = Royalty, Grace of God
The Church Year Advent: Coming; preparation for Christmas Christmas: Jesus Birth Epiphany: Making known: Jesus made known as Son of God and Savior of all. Lent: Jesus suffering Maundy Thursday: Institution of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday: Jesus’ death EASTER: Jesus’ resurrection Ascension: Jesus’ return to heaven, 40 days after Easter
The Church Year PENTECOST: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 50 days after Easter Trinity Season: In honor of the Triune God (week after Pentecost) Begins Non-festival half of Church year. Sundays after Pentecost: The Christian’s new life in Christ; half of the Church year (June – Dec.)
Assignment Get it in your head! Multiple Choice True-False Matching Word Study Get it in your head!
For the Quiz next time (Feb. 1st) VIP 13 Memory work “Power of Holy Communion” Review for lesson 17