Health Assessment Across the Lifespan NRS 102
Structure and Function Subjective Data—Health History Questions Objective Data—The Physical Exam Abnormal Findings Slide 20-2
Arteries Temporal artery Carotid artery Arteries in the arm Brachial Ulnar Radial Arteries in the leg Femoral Popliteal Dorsalis pedis Posterior tibial Slide 20-3
Veins Jugular veins Veins in the arm Veins in the leg Deep veins Femoral Popliteal Superficial veins Great saphenous Small saphenous Perforators (connecting veins) Slide 20-4
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Leg pain or cramps Skin changes on arm or legs Swelling Lymph node enlargement Medications Slide 20-10
Preparation Equipment needed (occasionally) Paper tape measure Tourniquet or blood pressure cuff Stethoscope Doppler ultrasonic stethoscope Slide 20-11
Arms— Inspect and palpate Skin Profile sign Capillary refill Symmetry Radial pulse Ulnar pulse Brachial pulse Epitrochlear lymph node Modified Allen test Slide 20-12
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Legs— Inspect and palpate Skin and hair Symmetry Temperature Calf muscle Inguinal lymph nodes Femoral pulse Popliteal pulse Posterior tibial pulse Dorsalis pedis pulse Pretibial edema Leg veins Assess while patient stands Manual compression test Slide 20-16
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Slide © Pat Thomas, 2006.
Slide From Bloom A, Watkins PH, Ireland J: Color atlas of diabetes, ed 2, St. Louis, 1992, Mosby.
Slide © Pat Thomas, 2006.
Additional techniques Color changes Doppler ultrasonic stethoscope Ankle-brachial index (ABI) Slide 20-23
Weak, “thready” pulse – 1+ Full, bounding pulse – 3+ Slide 20-24
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Arms Raynaud’s syndrome Lymphedema Legs Arteriosclerosis—ischemic ulcer Venous (stasis) ulcer Superficial varicose veins Deep vein thrombophlebitis Occlusions Aneurysms Slide 20-28