Online: JB Test Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Cynthia Chernecky, PhD, RN, CNS, AOCN Medical College of Georgia Nancy Stark, RN, MSN, CNAA, BC Medical College of Georgia Lori Schumacher, PhD, RN, CCRN Medical College of Georgia
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review What is it? JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review What is it? Online test prep program for nursing students preparing for the NCLEX-RN Exam. Online test prep program for nursing students preparing for the NCLEX-RN Exam. Designed to help students practice online using similar questions to the exam. Designed to help students practice online using similar questions to the exam. Practice Exams and Final Exam Available. Practice Exams and Final Exam Available.
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Practice Exams Offers a “Top Ten” of each major section for the NCLEX so students can evaluate their strengths and weaknesses within the content so they can plan their study time accordingly. Offers a “Top Ten” of each major section for the NCLEX so students can evaluate their strengths and weaknesses within the content so they can plan their study time accordingly. Allows students to customize their own exam based upon the “Top Ten” results. Allows students to customize their own exam based upon the “Top Ten” results Practice Exam questions to choose from Practice Exam questions to choose from.
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Practice Exams Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answers were correct or incorrect. Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answers were correct or incorrect. Helps gauge student’s strengths and weaknesses and develop a thorough plan of study. Helps gauge student’s strengths and weaknesses and develop a thorough plan of study.
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Final Exam The Final Exam will generate an exam made up of 200 randomly selected questions. The Final Exam will generate an exam made up of 200 randomly selected questions. The Final Exam will simulate what students see in the actual NCLEX-RN Exam! The Final Exam will simulate what students see in the actual NCLEX-RN Exam!
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Benefits of NCLEX-RN Review Gives students a chance to practice online for the NCLEX-RN. Gives students a chance to practice online for the NCLEX-RN. Provides immediate feedback on score. Provides immediate feedback on score. Over 2000 practice questions and 200 final exam questions. Over 2000 practice questions and 200 final exam questions.
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Benefits Practice questions include “Top Ten" of each major section of the NCLEX-RN. Practice questions include “Top Ten" of each major section of the NCLEX-RN. Detailed rationales to help students hone their knowledge of the subject matter. Detailed rationales to help students hone their knowledge of the subject matter. No book to carry around – access it online anytime. No book to carry around – access it online anytime. Valid for one year with unlimited access. Valid for one year with unlimited access.
JBTest Prep: NCLEX-RN Review Ordering Information Go to: Go to: Follow along to register – Credit Cards Accepted Follow along to register – Credit Cards Accepted For classroom adoptions, contact your Publisher’s Representative by calling For classroom adoptions, contact your Publisher’s Representative by calling