Written by Arvin
Copyright 2010 Publisher: Virk books copy right Table Of Contents
Dedication Page Dedication Page My Family Traditions My Family Traditions Country Study #1: Holland Country Study #1: Holland Country Study #2: England Country Study #2: England Poem #1 Poem #1 Poem #2 Poem #2 Poem #3 Poem #3 Poem #4 Poem #4 Poem#5 Poem#5 Red Activity #1 Red Activity #1 Red Activity #2 Red Activity #2 Green Activity #1 Green Activity #1 Green Activity #2 Green Activity #2 Green Activity #3 Green Activity #3 Purple Activity #1 Purple Activity #1 Purple Activity #2 Purple Activity #3 Purple Activity #3 Purple Activity #4 Purple Activity #4 About the Author About the Author
Table Of Contents My family tradition is to put up the Christmas tree first. My mom and I put up the ornaments and lights inside on the Christmas tree. Then I and my dad put the lights on outside of the house. It is really fun because I hold the ladder and gave my dad ideas as to where the lights should go. My brother, Manjot, tries to help but is always in the way. We put some snowman lights on as well. Once all the lights are on, I go call my mom and we watch dad plug everything in and it is awesome.
Table Of Contents The way I found out Santa was not real was when one day I went to school and everyone said that Santa is not real. I was so sad; when I got home I asked my mom if it was true. She said that Santa is real in our hearts and that mom and dad help him. That is how I found out but I don’t tell my brothers because I what them to believe in Santa until they are old enough to know. So, this year, my mom will still put cookies and milk for Santa but I will help her to eat them. Mmmm, And of course the best part is waking up the next morning to all the presents. This is my family tradition.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: Their Santa What I learned about Holland is that they leave their shoes out, so it can be filled with presents. They celebrate Christmas on December 5 and their Santa wears a long bishop robe and he comes on a boat. They call him Sinterklass and his boat is called Zwarte Piet (Black Peter). They say that zwarte Piet has a book and if you are naughty he well chase you with a stick! They also leave some hay for sinterklass horse and in return he will leave some sweets. The Dutch tradition says that sinterklass lives in Madrid, Spain and every year he chooses a different harbor to arrive in Holland. When Sinterklaas and Black Peter come ashore from the boat, all of the local church bells ring in celebration. Then Sinterklaas leads a procession through the town, riding a white horse, it is cool. If children are really lucky they might get their presents in the evening, this is called'Sinterklaasavond' or 'Pakjesavond' (presents evening) If you hear a knock on the door you might get a sack full of presents! They also have some sinterklass helpers with dress up like sinterklass to help deliver presents. In Holland the major celebration is Christmas
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: What the people of Holland eat on Christmas Some foods that people of Holland eat for Christmas are Peppernoot and another is a Dutch Christmas ring cake. Some more are Spiced ginger biscuits I bet that is spice, Spiced cakes in the form of animals and figures. Kerstbrood” is what they call Christmas loaf and they also have roasted goose and roasted Turkey as well mmmm… that must be good. They have a great feast and everyone has fun and everyone’s tummies are full.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: The Christmas Tree and Decorations The Christmas tree is called paradise tree. Some people use artificial trees and some people use a real pine tree. In the 16 th century Christians bought trees and put them in their homes and some people built Christmas pyramids of wood and decorated them with evergreens and candles the early Christmas decorations include dolls, musical instruments, fruit, candy and lights. There is a festival where a quiet family affair with the children gathering around the tree to listen to the father reading the story of the first Christmas from the New Testament.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: Christmas Songs Some of the Christmas songs they sing are Cherry Tree Carol”, “I Saw Three Ships” Silent Night” “,Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, O come, all ye faithful, O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree. Some of these songs are what we sing at Christmas. The songs bring out the Christmas spirit and make everyone feel happy and joyous.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: What the English do for the arrival of Santa What the English do for Santa is that they open the chimney so that he can come in. They leave the lights out side and on the Christmas tree on. They make and leave cookies and milk out for Santa, so he does not get hungry for the long trip around the world. Santa loves children and leaves presents under the tree and in their stockings (or pillowcases that they hang at the end of their bed) on Christmas Eve. Santa wears long red robes he comes on a sled pulled by magic reindeer. If they are naughty they will get coal in their stocking If they don’t go to sleep Santa won’t come. The presents are opened Christmas morning or just after breakfast. All the boys and girls are over joyed and can’t wait until they get their hands on their gifts.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: Decorations They first put the houstree up with lights and ornaments. Then they put up the stockings and decorate the e on the inside. Putting up garland and lights and some nut crackers too. Then they move to the outside of the house and decorate with lights, wreaths and inflatable snowman or santas.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: Carolers The carolers come to people’s houses and sing songs infront of their houses.. They sing songs like Silent Night, and O’Christmas Tree, Joy to the World and other ones like these. They come in groups of 5 or more to each house and bring Christmas spirit and happiness to other people homes. They wear Christmas colored clothes, red and green.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: _Christmas Food The main course for dinner usually is roasted turkey with vegetables and sauces. The dessert is usually a rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Some other ones are Roasted goose with vegetables, Eggs and bacon with sausages pancake, pastries and beans are the usual foods that they eat for breakfast. Yummy yum yum.
Table Of Contents Sub-topic: Shopping The kids are make presents for their moms and dads at school. Moms and dads are looking for toys fromf the list the kids gave them and buying it for Christmas. They have to get it wrapped and hide it from the sneaky little kids. Hiding it is the hardest part. They look at the malls and try to get good deals. They start to look at buying ornaments like lights for next year. Grandparents exchange information with mom and dad so they do not get the same stuff. Toys are getting out of stock because they are sold out. Buying presents for family members living in other countries and sending them. Making sure they are packaged right and get where they are going on time. The hussle and bussle continues all through until the special morning, Christmas morning.
Table Of Contents Christmas Happy Religious Icicle Semimetal Tall Marry Awesome Sparkling Tinsel Ritual Electrifying Enjoying
Table Of Contents Santa Jolly happy A nice sight to see Wearing red and giving presents Sinterklass
Snow man Cold white Standing melting freezing Children hats candy eggs Bouncing, hoping, Easter hunting Furry, long ears Easter bunny Table Of Contents
Snow is falling down Snow is making the ground white Snow falling at night Table Of Contents
Winter Winter nights fly by Like the sun didn’t even come to say hi We have no time to play Cause the sun doesn't stay Table Of Contents
sleigh bells, jingle bells The 5 uses of bells are it is a meaning of good cheer, merry Christmas, bringing happiness and warm hearts. a carillon is a musical instrument How are bells made with metal and some times wood and glass The worldest largest bell is in Moscow called the Tsar Kolokol III. Table Of Contents
If I had to chose some where to spend Christmas in one country I would chose Holland because they can get they gifts early. They put there shoes out side and it gets felled with gifts. They leave hay and they well get sweets in return. And when they get there gifts early they get a sack full of presents and there Christmas presents. Those are some reasons. Table Of Contents
Stained glass window is related to Christmas widows because some of them are Christmas stained windows and the colors of the glass like green and red. They can be also be stand with candy canes and candles. They are colorful with other colors. Table Of Contents
The several examples are that you have to buy it than make it. They make toys with machines than by hand and they won't break as easily. I n the old times it was about eating and going as a family now it is about spending money and presents that is the big change from the olden times to the 21 st century. And they have technology and video games than wooden toys. Table Of Contents
Emotions What I what I would do is that I would tell my mom and dad if she can join us for Christmas diner and if they say yes I would help them make stuffing and mash potatoes and stuff. Then I would send a initiation to her and we would eat and drink some coke or eggnog. Table Of Contents
Snow is a part Canadian Christmas because kids love to play in the snow and it would be Christmas but it would not feel like Christmas if there is no snow. It is fun to play in it but maybe not for adults when they have to shovel it. Table Of Contents
Christmas plants evergreen tree came from Livonia and Germany and came to be know as a Christmas tree. The evergreen is one of are symbols because the evergreen is a sacred tree and to be decorated with ornaments and lights. Table Of Contents
The three things I would like for Christmas is some toys for my brothers like cars and some star wars Lego and a star wars light saber I hope to get these because I like star wars and my brothers like cars they deserve some presents because They love me and I love them. If some one buys me something else it would be ok with me if it is something that I can use like clothes Table Of Contents
My name is Arvin Virk is a average student at mallard middle school. He lives In coquitlam BC and likes star wars. I has loved Christmas and still does he has so many friends and they support him. he has two brother who quiet a hand full. I enjoys swimming and playing street hockey. I loves to play wii and likes to go on the computer to do his work and in free time he plays video games. Table Of Contents