National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign, 2014 Group –IV Interventions to increase Oilseeds, Pulses Production in different ecologies Date : Sept Venue: National Agriculture Science Centre Pusa Complex, New Delhi DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & CANE DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND 1
2 JHARKHAND STATE PROFILE Area in % Area in Lakhs Ha * Total Geographical Area: * Total Cultivable Land :38.00 * Net Sown Area:28.08% * Current Fallow:11.12%8.87 * Other Fallow:08.46%6.75 * Forest:29.20%23.28 * Barren Lands:7.20%5.74 * Non – Agricultural Use:8.60%6.86 * Pasture and Other Grazing Land:2.48%1.97 * Cultivable Waste Land:3.44%2.74 * Irrigated land:12.73%3.007 * Cropping Intensity :125%
Rainfall…..monthly distribution 3
Average Normal rainfall-1200 to 1300 mm Rainfall during June to Sept-80 % of total Rainfall Present Trend of Rainfall - Rainfall delayed & Late onset of Monsoon Upto 20 th Sept
Rainfall during June to Sept.(mm) S No.YearSource : Directorate of Agril.Source : IMD, Ranchi NormalActualNormalActual June July Aug th Sept,
Land Situation Total Cultivable Land -38 lakh ha Area under Kharif -26 lakh ha Area under Rabi -6-7 Lakh ha Upland Rice Area -5-6 Lakh ha Rice Fallow Area Lakh ha There is a potential of taking Pulses & Oilseeds in Lakh ha of Rice-Fallow area. 6
APY of Pulses, Oilseeds and others Crop APYAPYAPY Cereals Pulses (Kharif) Rabi Total Oilseeds (Kharif) Rabi Total Others Crop * APYAPYAPY Cereals Pulses (Kharif) Pulses (Rabi) Total Oilseeds (Kharif) Rabi Total Area in ‘000 ha Production in ‘000 tonnes Yield in kg/ha 7 * 4th Advance estimate
Coverage of Kharif and Rabi Pulses in ‘000 ha 8
Production of Kharif and Rabi Pulses in ‘000 Tonnes 9
Coverage of Kharif and Rabi Oilseeds in ‘000 ha 10
Production of Kharif and Rabi Oilseeds in ‘000 Tonnes 11
APY of different Pulses Crops Crop APYAPYAPY Arhar Urad Moong Kulthi Bengal Gram Masur Field Pea Crop * APYAPYAPY Arhar Urad Moong Kulthi Bengal Gram Masur Field Pea Area in ‘000 ha Production in ‘000 tonnes Yield in kg/ha 12 * 4th Advance Estimate
Coverage of different Pulses crops (’000 ha) 13
Productivity Chart of Arhar, Urad, Moong & Kulthi Unit in Kg/ha
Productivity (Kg/ha) Chart of Pea, Bengal Gram, Masur 15
Popular varieties under Pulses Sl. No.CropVarieties 1.ArharBahar, Birsa Arhar-1, UPAS-120, ICPL (Asha), ICPL (Laxmi), ICPH- 2671, Narandra Black Gram (Urad)T9, Pant U-19, Pant U-30, Birsa Urad-1, Pant U-40 3.Green Gram (Moong)Pusa Vishal, SML- 668, K-851, PDM – 139, TM-37 4.Horse Gram (Kulthi)Birsa Kulthi-1, Madhu, A. K. -21, A. K Chickpea (Gram)BG-372, Pant G -114, Pusa -256, Kranti (ICCU-37), KWR - 108, KPG-59, H.K.– , KAK-2 6.Lentil (Masur)PL-406, PL – 639, KLS – 218, K- 75, HUL PeaDDR-23, Pusa Prabhat, Malviya Matar – 15 16
Seed Production Status (Pulses) YearCropProduction in Qtls Arhar1410 qtls Gram1000 qtls Lentil500 qtls Total2910 qtls Arhar17184 qtls Blackgram1540 qtls Moong1496 qtls Gram26500 qtls Lentil4000 qtls Pea8800 qtls Total59520 qtls * Targeted Arhar20500 qtls Blackgram1830 qts Moong2050 qtls Gram30500 qtls Lentil5600 qtls Pea10500 qtls Total70980 qtls 17
APY of different oilseed crops Crop APYAPYAPY Groundnut Niger Sesamum Mustard Linseed Crop * APYAPYAPY Groundnut Niger Sesamum Mustard Linseed Area in ‘000 ha Production in ‘000 tonnes Yield in kg/ha 18 * 4th Advance Estimate
Coverage of different Oilseed crops (‘000 ha) 19
Productivity (Kg/ha) Chart of Groundnut, Niger, Sesamum 20
Productivity (Kg/ha) Chart of Mustard and Linseed 21
Popular varieties under Oilseeds S No.CropVarieties 1.GroundnutBirsa Bold, A. K , BG-1, BG-2, GG-13 2.TilKanke Safed, Krishna, N-25 3.SoybeanBrag, Birsa Soybean -1, J.S. -335, Birsa Safed Soybean-2, J-J ToriaToria-T9, PT-303, Panchali, Vardan 5.Rai/ MustardKranti, Pusa Bishal, Shivani, Pusa Bold 6.NigerBirsa Niger-1, Birsa Niger-2, Birsa Niger-3 7.LinseedT 397, Shekhar, Sweta, Shubhra 22
Requirement & Availability of Seeds under Pulses & Oilseeds Kharif, 2014 CropRequirement in Qtls Availability in QtlsDeficit in Qtls (-) Arhar Moong--- Urad Soyabean Tori--- 23
Requirement & Availability of Seeds under Pulses & Oilseeds Rabi, 2014 CropRequirement in Qtls Availability in Qtls * Deficit (-) Bengal Gram Pea (-) Masur (-) Mustard /Tori (-) Linseed (-)
Procurement of Pulses & Oilseeds No procurement of Pulses and Oilseed till last year. Effort for procurement of pulses & oilseed is undertaken from NAFED (Central Govt. Agency) tie-up for procurement. VEGFED (State level Agency) engaged for procurement through PACs/ LAMPs District wise target for procurement of Pulses / Oilseed finalized on the basis of production. Dy. Commissioner of concerned district designated to oversees the procurement process. ATMA & other agencies are involved for awareness programme for procurement. 25
Concerns in Oilseeds & Pulses Continued dependence of oilseeds on rainfed production system Non availability of quality seeds of improved varieties Poor crop nutrition – Sub-optimal and imbalanced use of major nutrients – Minimal use of secondary and micronutrients New biotic threats: Inefficient processing Inadequate marketing support and non-remunerative prices 26
Past growth Past growth – 49% contributed by area expansion 51% by productivity improvement Area expansion in oilseed and Pulses crops which have Shown higher growth rate of productivity due to technological development Whose relative prices with competing crops have moved in their favour Higher growth rates combined with higher prices resulting in sharp increases in total profitability Area Expansion 27
Area Expansion Use of fallow / barren land under pulses and oilseed through land reclamation and use of INM. Rice – fallow be used with short duration pulses & oilseed crops. Under remmunerative cropping system oilseed and pulses crop be used as catch crop or relay crop. Crop intensification in underutilized farming situations like rice -fallows Intercropping in widely spaced crops Situations of limited water availability As options under contingency planning and as catch crops Replacement of less-remunerative crops Promotion of oilseed and Pulses crops in saline and acid soils Crop diversification in rice-rice and rice-wheat system areas 28
Enhancing Oilseeds & Pulses Productivity A combination of land saving technologies involving : - High yielding varieties/hybrids - Balanced and integrated crop nutrition - Efficient crop management - Integrated pest management - Mechanisation 29
Nutrient Management in Oilseeds & Pulses Oilseeds & Pulses are energy rich crops grown under energy starved conditions Good response to major, (N, P, K); secondary (S) and micronutrients (Zn, B, Mo) Need for fertilizer management on a cropping system basis for high use efficiency 30
Biofertilizers in Oilseed & Pulses Production Seed innoculation with Rhizobium in pulses and Some oilseeds (Groundnut and Soybean) to save kg N /ha. Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Azotobacter saves 20 to 30 kg N/ha in sesame, mustard, sunflower and safflower Application of phosphorus solubilising bacteria (PSB) mobilizes fixed P in soil and reduces P requirement 31
Irrigation More than 77% of oilseeds & Pulses area is rainfed Water requirements of oilseeds & Pulses are low as compared to cereals Productivity of most oilseed & Pulses crops can almost be doubled with just one or two irrigations during critical stages Diversify with oilseed and Pulses crops when water supplies are limited 32
Efficient Crop Management Low cost and no cost technologies Crop rotation to improve soil health and to reduce pest build up Soil and moisture conservation measures Timely planting Adequate plant stand through adjustment in seed rate and thinning Timely weed management to reduce crop weed competition Need based plant protection with bioagents and biopesticides Promotion of PGPR like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, etc. Liming in acid soil to improve crop productivity. 33
Important Insect Pests and Diseases of Oilseed Crops Groundnut Leaf SpotBud NecrosisRoot GrubSpodoptera Rapeseed- Mustard Sunflower Alternaria leaf blightNecrosisCapitulum borer Contd… White rustAphidAlternaria Soybean Tobacco caterpillar Girdle beetle grubGreen semilooper 34
Important Insect Pests and Diseases of Pulses Crops Pigeonpea Pod borerWilt Black gram Pea Powdary mildewRustPod borer Yellow mosaicHairy catter pillar Chickpea Pod borerWilt Sterlity mosaic Sucking insect Leaf wrinkle 35
Managing Insect Pests and Diseases Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices have been standardized involving resistant varieties, biocontrol agents, biopesticides and need-based use of chemicals Additional benefit with IPM ranges from Rs. 2500/ha to Rs. 7600/ha in different oilseed & Pulses crops 36
Preparedness for monitoring and Surveillance of insects, pests and diseases Selection of farmers facilitator / Scout one at every 100 ha area. Weekly report about occurrence of insect, pest & diseases by farmers facilitator / Scout under his area. Monitoring by Block level extension functionaries (1000 ha) area. Constitution of Disaster Management Group at district level. To keep surveillance on insect pest and diseases infestation in pulses and oilseed crops following arrangement may be made on the pattern of NFSM – A3P Pulses programme. 37
Strategy for enhancing Cost Benefit Ratio in Pulses and Oilseeds for making crops more profitable Selection of area specific suitable crop variety. Use of higher yield potential crop varieties. Use of INM and IPM to increase productivity. To ensure one or two irrigation at critical growth stages. Proper marketing facility to fetch higher profitability in local market. Arrangement for 100% seed treatment / seed innoculation. 38
Innovative technology to be taken at farmers field during Rabi Arrangement for 100% seed treatment / seed inoculation. Use of Sulphur at 20kgs/ha. Use of raingun to provide irrigation at critical growth stages. Incentive to farmers for INM/IPM. Incentive for farm mechanization. 39
Future Research Thrusts Yield enhancement with resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses Developing varieties suitable for different seasons/ situations Hybrid development and seed production technology Biotechnological approaches 40
Road Map for Oilseed & Pulses Sector Expand oilseed and Pulses area Rice fallows and non-traditional areas Intercropping Crop diversification Effective technology dissemination for enhancing productivity Quality seed of improved varieties Balanced crop nutrition Protective irrigation Effective crop management Integrated pest management Provide favorable policy back up Decontrol of traditional oilseeds and Pulses from small scale sector to enhance efficiency of processing Effective market interventions Favourable trade policy 41
Improving Production and Productivity of Oilseeds & Pulses in India Favourable Policy Framework (Processing, Marketing, Trade) Area Expansion Replacing non-remunerative crops Rice fallows Intercropping Problem areas Contingency plans Water scarce situations Value addition as an incentive Diversification in Rice-Wheat System Productivity Improvement Quality seed Protective irrigation Increased fertilizer use (major, secondary and micro nutrients) Farm mechanisation Efficient crop management Effective technology transfer Over coming biotic/abiotic stresses through novel approaches (long-term) 42
43 Issues to be Considered Sanction of NFSM – Pulses programme in all the 24 districts in Jharkhand. Approval of one more unit of PMT for State Monitoring cell. Approval of cropping sequence based demonstration is needed. Approval of intervention local initiative, other initiatives ( Demonstrations in remote areas), Assistance for custom hiring under NFSM – Rice and Pulses is needed. Approval for PMT in Ranchi and Deoghar districts is needed.
Crop Diversification in upland ecosystems. Integrated watershed development. Amelioration of acidic soils to increase the crop productivity. Development of integrated farming system models to achieve food and nutritional security at household level. Ensuring the supply of quality seed and planning material. Integrated pest and disease management with the use of bio-pesticides, bio-agent, PGR and micro nutrients. Weather based forecasting for disease and pest surveillance. Selection and propagation of elite planting material suitable for different soil types. Integrated nutrient and water management. Use of micro-irrigation and fertigation technology. Developing real time disease and pest maps for management and internal quarantine. Researchable Issue to Make State Self Sufficient
Predominantly Rain fed Agriculture. Climatic change: Shift in rainfall pattern and frequent drought. Instability in food production. Erratic rainfall, long dry spells, occasional heavy rains, cloudy weather and high humidity at the time of flowering and pod setting result in poor yield. Non-availability of quality seed at appropriate rate and time. Proper intercultural operations are essential for root and nodulation development of pulses crops. Pulses are generally grown under deficit moisture and poor management practices. The farmers either do not apply fertilizers or if they apply, application method is not proper. The pulse crops are very vulnerable to a large number of pest and diseases, as compared to cereals and other crops. Lack of improved crop management practices and timely plant protection measures. Climatic and Socio-economic Constraints for Pulses & Oilseed in Jharkhand
About 66% area of soils are low in available P content, 18% soils low in K content, 38% soils low in sulphur, 7% soils are deficient in available zinc, 4% in available copper while 75% soils are deficient in available boron. 70 % of Soils are deficient in organic carbon and micronutrient. Majority of soils have medium status of available N ( kg/ha), about 19.6% area have low available N Content. About 49% area of soils are extremely acidic to strongly acidic (pH<5.5) and 36% area suffering from moderate to slight soil acidity (pH ) accounts for only 8% in State. Problems related to soil
Watershed based approach for rain water harvesting and in-situ rain water conservation should be heavily emphasized. Soil moisture management should be focused for improving pulses production. Insect-pests and disease take a heavy toll of chickpea and other Rabi pulses and become threat in the State. The use of high yielding, short duration, disease and insect pest resistant and fertilizer responsive varieties of pulses is the need of the hour. Rice-fallow area can bring substantial additional area under Rabi pulses. Specific strains of Rhizobium and PSB should be used for seed treatment. Breeding varieties resistant Ascochyta blight, botrytis gray mould, wilt or root rot, pod borer and nematodes in chickpea, rust and wilt or root rot in lentil and powdery mildew and rust in field pea for stabilizing the yield should be vigorously pursued. Breeding varieties tolerant to high and low temperature, drought and salt stress to bring more area under pulses. Major Strategies for Pulses Production in Jharkhand
A massive upgrading of the present yield levels of the existing varieties is required by developing new plant types responsive to inputs. Development of early maturing cultivars for multiple cropping sequences to increase the overall productivity. Developing plant types suitable for intercropping with cereals and commercial crops. Technology developed for rainfed area, farming systems, water management and biological nitrogen fixation should be made more effective by in-depth research activities so as to develop the location specific production technology for different pulse crop. Development of crop management system for efficient use of natural and applied inputs in production of different pulse crops. Basic researches on physiological and nutritional aspects for increasing photosynthesis efficiencies. Molecular characterization of pathogens and developing diagnostic tools for detection their strains, races and biotypes. Development of efficient integrated pest and disease management for different crop situation. On farm testing and transfer of improved technology. Seed treatment & seed inoculation.
Major Strategies for Oilseeds Production in Jharkhand The genetic up gradation of the available cultivars of oilseeds to increase productivity coupled with insulation against biotic stresses through biotechnology and genetic- engineering approaches. Development of integrated nutrient and fertilizer management schedules. Integrated pest and disease management modules have to be developed to control the diverse biotic stresses and make the oilseed crop more sustainable. Product diversification and value additional into the different oilseeds would greatly enhance the demand and sustain growth and hence require attention. Development of low input technologies. Research on post harvest technologies, development of agricultural implements particularly with reference to seeding, harvesting and threshing operations of oilseeds crops suited to small farmer’s fields should be given top priority. Development of technologies for the efficient extraction of available oil from the seed. Expanding the crop into newer cropping areas. Development of strong and vibrant programmes for quality seed production and supply. Exploitation of perennial sources of oilseeds through non-traditional oil-bearing species. Fine tunning of existing transfer of technology system.