INSPIRING PROGRAMMES AND CASE STUDIES : zimbabwe Addressing Challenges and responding to local Needs in a resource constrained environment
Presenter: Kwadzanai R. L. Nyanungo Principal Director (Quality Assurance- Primary, ECD, Learner Welfare Services, Schools Psychological Services and Special Needs Education Department) MINISTRY OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. ZIMBABWE
Integrated Development planning Government Ministries organised into clusters Lead Ministry per development issue Cordinated planning and implementation
IDP (cntd) ZUNDAF Partnership framework for collaboration with other stakeholders Clearly articulated and timeframed national goals and objectives Measurable programme outputs
Role of Government in ECD Provision and Quality Policy and implementation framework for a multisectoral, coordinated approach Financial support Quality Assurance structure and system Stipulation of standards to be met eg. Teacher: pulip ratio of 1:20 for ECDE
Inspiration on Quality Issues National ECDE curriculum and support materials Optimal standards for participatory school development planning to achieve the transformation to a 9 year primary school menu(which includes 2 yrs of ECDE)
Quality (cnt) ECDE Teacher optimal standards Basic skills training and reference materials for ECD paraprofessionals Role of qualified Teachers-In-Charge, Infant Teachers and School heads in ECDE “Learning through Play” focus
Quality (cntd) Internal school supervision: the Whole School Self Evaluation package Quality control of school infrastructure development works : Role of mandated Ministries in supporting the education sector. District Education Offices, School Inspectors and their role in ECD - Career progression Procedures with career path for ECD teachers within the education system.
Teacher Optimisation from random workshops to TDIS The Better Schools programme, Zimbabwe and the local innovation in teacher Continuous Professional Education and Development Partnership with Teacher Associations– Part of Think-tank Results based Management framework for Performance appraisal system
Challenges in ECDE Service Delivery: Zimbabwe Infrastructure: demand vs Supply of learning spaces and age-appropriate sanitary facilities, play areas -Overcrowded urban and rural schools -make-shift structures, substandard buildings in resettlement areas
Walking distances to school, especially in rural areas Traffic hazards in urban areas Equal access and participation by learners with disabilities The cost of school enrolment per learner per grade Inadequate resources for school feeding programmes
INSPIRING PROGRAMMES AND CASE STUDIES 1. Community driven responses : role of local leaders in promoting ECDE and coordinating its development
Ownership through participation: the contribution of community members moulding of bricks mobilisation of sand ferrying of water labour for actual construction,
Quick Stories The story of the Nzeve simulation Centre in Mutare, for children who have hearing impairment or are deaf The Ministry of Health and Childcare in the growth and developmental monitoring from birth, system for at-risk-detection and early rehabilitation intervention(Children’s rehabilitation Units)
What US $ can do for ECDE! The example of Mudzi District And lessons learnt on quality infrastructure
What Communities have done on School Feeding Programmes Policy on school meals Why prioritise the ECDE? Government budget for School Feeding How communities have stretched the dollar? But: It is not yet enough!!
Motivating schools to strive for Child- Friendliness School development Planning guidelines for more inclusiveness Annual Secretary’s Merit Awards for improved schools The learner seeking school: bringing all school- aged children into school and Show cause why not.
Satelite ECDE Units in the village ECDE facilities to be established by the nearest school, closer to children’s homes than the main school campus. Local school administrators to supervise and monitor quality. It is working well, in many areas.
Thank you