Technology That Will Transform Social Studies Teaching and Learning Presented by Betsey Kennedy 4 th Grade Teacher, Big Shanty Intermediate School
Materials and Links All materials and links available at:
Class Wikis Free for teachers (no ads, private or public) Endless Possibilities: ◦ABC “Book” ◦History Yearbook/Encyclopedia ◦Project Organizing Space ◦Book Chats ◦Spot to collaborate with other classes
School Keys: Technology Standard
CLASS Keys: Technology Standard
Vocabulary Explorations:
Word Review/Brainstorming Can be used as a review before a test or as a preview for an upcoming unit Pre-assessment option: Students list things they already know
Unique Biography Reports Word art can be used to display knowledge about a particular topic allows you to format the words in the shape of letters (careful about ads on this website)
Unique Interactives resources/student-interactives/ resources/student-interactives/ resources/student-interactives/ Website sponsored by International Reading Association and National Council of Teachers of English Huge number of Student Interactives ◦Everything from acrostic poem builders to timeline creators
Favorite Interactives from
Other Great Interactive Websites Created by the Annenberg Foundation ◦United States Geography ◦Indians ◦Colonies ◦The Nation Expands ◦Numerous other interactives available from
Allows students and teachers to create multimedia, interactive posters that include everything from movies to Wordles to weblinks steredu/ steredu/
Glogster Basics Can register students without addresses Students can comment on each others glogs Glogs can be linked to TypePad blogs easily
Glogster Tips and Tricks Provide students with a selection of pictures, videos, etc. Limit choices (for example: “You may only use the ‘Papers’ theme.”) Have students sketch their basic plan before using the computer, all text should already be written
Collaborative, multimedia slide shows Holds images, documents, and videos Allows people to navigate slides and leave comments: ◦using voice (with a microphone or telephone) ◦text ◦audio file ◦video (via a webcam)
VoiceThread Student Sample
VoiceThread Tips and Tricks Provide a selection of pictures in student drives for students to use Have students complete a storyboard before ever touching the computer Provide thumbnails of the pictures for the storyboard Have two students work together
Easy to Embed 1. Choose “Embed” at the end of the slide show 2. Select TypePad 3. Login to Typepad 4. Click “Post” 5. You’re done!
Materials and Links All materials and links available at: Add to this wiki!