Welcome to Gifted Programming at Princess Anne Elementary September 2014 Jill Reid, Gifted Resource Teacher (GRT) Gifted 101
What does GIFTED mean to you?
Federal Definition Virginia State Definition VBCPS Definition What GIFTED Means in Education & the Classroom
Students that demonstrate potential for exceptional performance and have academic needs that cannot be met through general education curriculum. General Intellectual Aptitude Advanced aptitudes demonstrated by skills and creative expression in general intellectual ability VBCPS Definition POTENTIAL PERFORMANCE ACADEMIC NEEDS CANNOT BE MET Think: Does this definition match any of my thoughts about “gifted”?
VBCPS Definition VBCPS Gifted Services Elementary School Program GRTClassroom TeachersParentsStudentsSchool Counselor
Director: Dr. Veleka Gatling Coordinators: Barbara Kennedy & Robin Schumaker Every school in the city is staffed with a GRT Program operates in service of the Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted %20the%20Education%20of%20the%20Gifted% pdf %20the%20Education%20of%20the%20Gifted% pdf 5 categories: Identification, Delivery of Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Professional Development, Parent & Community Involvement CAC: Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education
VBCPS Definition Gifted Services Elementary School Program GRTClassroom TeachersParentsStudentsSchool Counselor
Resource Cluster Model Clustering Collaboration Advocacy Communication Staff Development Curriculum Differentiation
COLLABORATION The expectation is that the GRT will meet regularly with the classroom cluster teachers for: Training, coaching, practice and feedback Developing lessons and units Using data to determine and meet needs
COMMUNICATION Blog/Website Monthly updates Quarterly Newsletters (dates) Traditional Conferences Phone and Co-chair for Parent and Community Involvement Committee for the local 5 year plan of the gifted
STAFF DEVELOPMENT Workshops Coaching Co-teaching Modeling Goal Setting Feedback Sessions Peer Observations Lesson Development
CHILDREN have different Readiness Levels Learning Profiles Interests TEACHERS can modify Product Process Content
VBCPS Gifted Benchmarks Grade 2-5 Goals: To develop an understanding for systems of knowledge, themes, issues and problems that frame the external world. To develop critical thinking and creative abilities and problem solving skills. To develop metacognitive skills that foster independent self-directed learning in order to develop self-understanding.
All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents. -John F. Kennedy A rising tide lifts all ships- Why gifted programming is good for the entire learning community.
Is your feedback helping your child grow?
Mindset Overview- Fixed vs. Growth The Impact of Praise on Development Mindset: a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one's behavior, outlook and mental attitude.
PERSPECTIVE -Ideally Growth Mindset -Controlled by BELIEFS P AWARENESS -Of self, others, situation -Controlled by FEEDBACK A COMMUNICATION -Use of models -Controlled by LANGUAGE C EXECUTION Controlled by the 5 E's: Expectation, Effort, Efficiency, Evaluation, Experience E
Thank you for attending the Princess Anne Elementary School Gifted Open House!
Mrs. Jill Reid Gifted Resource Teacher Princess Anne Elementary Princess Anne Gifted Website and Blog Princess Anne Gifted Website and Blog On f you have a general question, please use an index card and I will post answers on the FAQ portion of the website/blog. If you would like a different to be used for program communication please leave it with your child’s name on an index card.