IAM – ILN Regional Meeting Belfast, Northern Ireland May 18 – 20, 2015
Charles “Chuck” White Senior Vice President International Association of Movers (IAM)
Discussion Topics Overview of U.S. DOD program Current State of U.S. DOD Changes in Europe How Can I Get Involved in DOD Business? Current DOD Issues Key DOD Organizations U.S. Department State & GSA QUESTIONS
Overveiw of U.S. DOD Program Approximately 550,000 moves annually About 30-35% are International – 190,000 HHG (sea) – 120,000 Unaccompanied Baggage (air) – 70,000 Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) runs the Defense Personal Property Program (DP3) which includes: The main International program Domestic U.S. program Other programs: Long Term Storage (Non-Temporary Storage - NTS) Special Solicitation OTO – One Time Only DPM – Direct Procurement Method Intra-theater Tenders
Current State of the U.S. DOD Downsizing is the Key term U.S. has been spending less money on DOD U.S. Army down to 505,000 troops from a high of almost 590,000 at its peak. Depending on funding may get as low as 450,000 – 420,000 by Other Services also reducing or at best remaining at current levels. EUCOM – European Command current level is approx 67,000 (according to Jan 2015 Army Times) down from Cold War highs of 450,000. U.S. DOD troop positioning in flux in Europe
Changes in Europe Key Changes United Kingdom RAF Mildenhall – U.S. returns Mildenhall and 4 supported sites to UK. Troops will relocate within Europe (2019) RAF Alconbury/RAF Molesworth – back to UK Germany Close – numerous installations, warehouses, barracks and return them to German control. A great deal of consolidation of organizations and functions Italy Some closures, reductions and return of all or portions of installations to the Italian government Minor changes in Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal (Azores)
Changes in Europe Why is this happening? Money “Pivot to the Pacific” What do these changes mean to troop levels in Europe? Very little. The net change will be small. Troop levels are expected to remain at 67,000 for the next 5 years. “Temporary” troops will aide the permanent ones in Eastern Europe What effect will these changes have? Money…..$500 million/year in savings Little change in troop levels or U.S. ability to react to contingencies in/around Europe U.S. DOD needs congressional approval to close base in USA….DOD has the authority to close bases overseas
How Can I Get Involved in DOD Business? In countries with permanent DOD presence: Become approved storage warehouse. Local Transportation office gives this approval. Must meet the minimum standards. Once approved contact U.S. TSPs directly or the General Agents Bid on the Intra-theater Tender of Service (TOS) – SDDC-Europe DPM contracts In countries without permanent DOD presence: Must become approved through the U.S. Embassy in that country. Those are the only agents that DOD will work with….OTO & Special Solicitation
Current DOD Issues No Shipment Refusals Use of Blackouts – Domestic vs. International Short Fuse shipment criteria The Defense Personal Property System (DPS) Open Season
Key Organizations Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) U.S. Transportation Command - Air Force 4- Surface Deployment & Distribution Command (SDDC) Army 2- Army Navy Air Force Marines CG APPLE AF PPA JPPSO/PPSO PPPO
U.S Department of State & GSA U.S. Department of State operates Embassies, Missions and consulates in almost every nation on earth. Approved Transportation Service Providers (TSP) move all of their personnel through a door to door program called the ITGBL – “International Through Government Bill of Lading”. Over 90% of personnel move via the ITGBL program. Less than 10% move via DPM Must be approved by the Embassy to participate just like the DOD program. Almost 30,000 shipments in the State Dept moving program ITGBL program run by GSA for most U.s. government agencies GSA also runs programs for FBI, DEA and many others
Question and Answer
CONTACT INFORMATION Charles “Chuck” White Senior Vice President International Association of Movers (IAM) Alexandria, VA
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