CVTC is the right choice. TOP FIVE STRATEGIES TO CAREER PATHWAY SUCCESS Brenda Scheurer – Career Pathways Coordinator Margo Keys – VP of Student Services Sue Lane – B2HC Program Manager
CVTC is the right choice. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES Participants will build awareness of a career pathway model recognize top strategies to career pathway success develop a plan for career pathway program implementation
CVTC is the right choice. #1 PROPER PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE ›Define career pathways and the essential elements ›Plan the career pathway progression ›Determine the role of each player ›Develop a marketing plan ›Begin with the end in mind
CVTC is the right choice. #2 KEY STAKEHOLDERS ARE ACTIVELY INVOLVED ›Internal Steering Committee ›Partner Steering Committee ›Advisory Committee ›B2HC Team a. Career Pathway Coordinator b. Workforce Project Manager c. Success Coach
CVTC is the right choice. #3 PATHWAYS CENTER AROUND STUDENT SUCCESS ›3a. Determine who will be served and their potential needs ›3b. Develop bridge programs based on needs * Healthcare Academy * Computer Competency Boot Camp * Registration and Orientation ›3c. Determine community resources available ›3d. Provide wrap-around services ›3e. Make modifications based on implementation and evaluation
CVTC is the right choice. 3A. DETERMINE WHO WILL BE SERVED AND THEIR NEEDS INVENTORY OF STUDENT SUCCESS ›Local instrument developed in 2005 ›Measures non-cognitive indicators that impact college success ›ISS completion activity
CVTC is the right choice. INVENTORY OF STUDENT SUCCESS 47-question assessment that measure students’ confidence in nine non-cognitive areas: CATEGORYDESCRIPTION Career Choice The degree of confidence you have in your chosen or program. Degree Focus The extent of your determination to complete your degree. Prior Experiences The types of experiences you have had with past teachers. Financial Support The amount of financial resources you have available. Social Support The extent of your emotional support from family and friends. Learning Habits Your ability to manage your time and your academic demands. Reading Confidence Your interest in reading for pleasure or academics. Math/Science Confidence Your confidence in your ability to solve math/science problems. Verbal Confidence Your confidence in your ability to speak and write.
CVTC is the right choice. INVENTORY OF STUDENT SUCCESS Student AStudent B Career Choice Degree Focus Fin. Resources Social Support Prior Exp. Reading Interest Learning Habits Verbal Confid. Math-Sci Confidence
CVTC is the right choice. 3B. DEVELOP BRIDGE PROGRAMS BASED ON STUDENT NEEDS ›Healthcare Academy ›Computer Competency Boot Camp ›Registration and Orientation
CVTC is the right choice. 3C. DETERMINE COMMUNITY RESOURCES AVAILABLE ›Workforce Resource, Inc. ›Literacy Volunteers ›Others – Food & Nutrition, Housing & Energy, Healthcare, Dental Care, Department Stores, etc.
CVTC is the right choice. 3D. PROVIDE WRAP-AROUND SERVICES Career Pathway Course Community Learning Bridge Programs B2HC Team Tutoring Services
CVTC is the right choice. 3E. MAKE MODIFICATIONS BASED ON IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION ›Online Concierge ›Orientation Content ›Collaboration Among Instructors ›Study Skills Course
CVTC is the right choice. #4 PATHWAYS MUST FIT WITHIN THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ›Align with the college academic calendar and student registration calendar ›Properly identify career pathway courses ›Modify based on organizational structure ›Be prepared. Have shovels ready!
CVTC is the right choice. #5 DATA DRIVES EFFECTIVE DESIGN AND REPORTING ›Provide training based on geographical data ›Utilize Labor Market Information ›Align with grant requirements, numbers to be served ›Research best practices for programs ›What data is not required, but essential for future programming? ›Determine data requirements. How will data be obtained and shared?
CVTC is the right choice. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES Participants will build awareness of a career pathway model recognize top strategies to career pathway success develop a plan for career pathway program implementation
CVTC is the right choice. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Contact Information Brenda Scheurer, Sue Lane, ext.