1 Professional Development Planning and Needs Assessment Regional Trainings Spring 2006
2 Why is professional development so important? The most critical factor in a child’s education is a caring, qualified, and competent teacher - Linda Darling Hammond
3 Professional Development One Size Does Not Fit All Beginning Teachers Build capacity in content, pedagogy, & classroom management Build capacity in content, pedagogy, & classroom management Experienced Teachers Deepen skills Deepen skills Accomplished Teachers Contributing, renewing and supporting Contributing, renewing and supporting
4 “Teachers’ ability, experience and education clearly associated with increases in student achievement. Spending additional resources on teacher professional development is the most productive investment to raise student achievement.” (National Center for Educational Statistics 2000)
5 Common Experiences in Powerful Professional Development Target PD on student’s needs & data Customize PD for each educator Align with school and district improvement goals Integrate federal requirements Identify effective, research-based PD Provide valid & reliable PD evaluation
6 Professional Development Alignment with Federal Requirements High quality, effective professional development Ongoing Ongoing Sustained Sustained Classroom focused Classroom focused Scientifically research based practices Scientifically research based practices
7 Title I-A Professional Development Requirements Section 1119
8 High Quality Professional Development 5% of the district’s allocation set aside to ensure teachers and paraprofessionals meet the highly-qualified standards under NCLB unless a lesser amount is needed. Research staff personnel files to determine status. Determine staff who meet the standard. Create a plan for those who do not currently meet the standard. Estimate the cost to carry out the plan. Set Aside the amount necessary. Keep documentation on file. 34 CFR CFR CFR
9 High Quality Professional Development Funds can be set aside to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers, principals, administrators and paraprofessionals. Title I professional development opportunities need to be aligned with the grade level expectations for both math and reading.
10 School Improvement Professional Development Once a school is identified for school improvement – Step 1 The building needs to set aside 10% of it’s Title I, Part A funds to provide the staff with high-quality professional development.The building needs to set aside 10% of it’s Title I, Part A funds to provide the staff with high-quality professional development. Required each fiscal year the school is identified.Required each fiscal year the school is identified. Must address the academic achievement problems.Must address the academic achievement problems..
11 District Improvement Professional Development Once a school district is identified for improvement, the district must set aside 10% of the district’s Title I allocation to address the professional development needs of the instructional staff. This 10% mandate applies each fiscal year that the district is identified for improvement.
12 District Improvement Professional Development This mandate may include any amount of funds reserved for professional development from the schools that have been identified. District 10% minimum commitment for professional development is in addition to the set aside for highly qualified.
13 Title II-A Professional Development Requirements Comprehensive professional development needs assessment (Section 2122(c)) Must involve all teachers, including teachers participating in Title I-A programs
14 Refine your content area goal through a content area needs assessment Content Area Needs Assessments Core Academic Areas
15 Student Learning Style Needs Assessment Conduct a Learning Style Needs Assessment Faculty (students?) Analyze Results of Both Needs Assessments
16 State Requirements for Professional Development Plan Required by OAR
17 What do we know about how to set up the Professional Development?
18 Research-based Effective Practices in Professional Development Deepens Content Knowledge and/or Pedagogy Uses Multiple Sources of Data Promotes Equity for All Students Is Long Term and Adequately Resourced Includes Program Evaluation Builds Broad-based Support Develops Leadership Capacity Seven Research-based Effective Practices Seven Research-based Effective Practices in Professional Development
19 Seven Effective, Research-based Practices in Professional Development 1. Uses multiple sources of disaggregated student performance data, including state and local assessments, analysis of student work, and teacher observation as part of the process for determining individual and school learning needs
20 Seven Effective, Research-based Practices in Professional Development 2. Develops, refines, and deepens educators’ content knowledge and pedagogy 3. Builds cultural competence, examines beliefs, and challenges institutional barriers that act as obstacles to equity for all students
21 Seven Effective, Research-based Practices in Professional Development 4. Uses a coherent, long-term professional development process and provides for the allocation of sufficient time, funds, and materials for full implementation 5. Prepares educators to work together to build expertise and develop leadership capacity
22 Seven Effective, Research-based Practices in Professional Development 6. Invites and builds broad-based support of professional development from all sectors of the organization and community Incorporates knowledge and skills to appropriately involve families and community members as learning partners, and builds widespread commitment to continuous learningIncorporates knowledge and skills to appropriately involve families and community members as learning partners, and builds widespread commitment to continuous learning
23 Seven Effective, Research-based Practices in Professional Development 7. Includes strong program evaluation components based on evidence of improvements in student learning and teacher practice The program evaluation providesThe program evaluation provides data that informs future professional learning plans
24 Contact: Bev Pratt Bev Pratt Education Specialist (503)