John F. Kennedy 35th President
THE EARLY YEARS John F. Kennedy (JFK) was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. His grandfather, John Fitzgerald, seemed to spark John’s interest in government policies and affairs. After finishing Harvard and Stanford, he joined the navy.
MILITARY LIFE John received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for rescuing 3 men after being rammed by a Japanese destroyer. He also received the Purple Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, and the World War II Victory Medal for his courage. He was honorably discharged in early 1945.
JOHN THE POLITICIAN JFK’s older brother was tabbed as the politician, but he was killed in WWII. This pushed John into becoming the family politician. In 1946, he beat his Republican opponent by a large margin to become the mayor of Boston.
MOVING UP IN POLITICS In 1952, he joined the U.S. Senate. He missed a lot of sessions in the Senate as he went through several spinal operations. Kennedy married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier on September 12, 1953
KENNEDY RUNS FOR PRESIDENT The Issues: Moving the economy Kennedy’s Catholicism affecting his decisions Cuba Soviet space and missile programs surpassing the U.S. Kennedy won against Nixon in one of the closest elections in American history. He was sworn in January 20, 1961.
PERSONAL JOYS AND TRAGEDIES Jacqueline suffered a miscarriage in 1955 and gave birth to a stillborn daughter in 1956. The death of their newborn son in August 1963, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, was a great loss. JFK carried on numerous extramarital dalliances throughout his presidency John and Jackie had two children: Caroline and John Jr. Broadway plays, albums, and pop media revolved around the popular family.
KENNEDY’S PRESIDENCY Successes: Cuban Missile Crisis Space Race Started the Peace Corps and American Irish Foundation “Alliance for Progress” Nuclear Test Ban Treaty “New Frontier” policy Failures: Sending troops to Vietnam Authorized napalm and other hazardous chemicals for battle Cuba and the Bay of Pigs scandal
LEE HARVEY OSWALD Grew up in Fort Worth, Texas. Served in the marines 1956-1959. Became a Communist; moved to Russia. Moved back later. Worked at Texas State School Book Depository.
NOVEMBER 22, 1963 12:30 pm Dallas, Texas On a political trip, Kennedy was shot at least twice. In the video, the President clutches his throat and then takes a fatal blow to the head, causing him to slump in the car seat.
KENNEDY’S RESTING PLACE Kennedy’s grave is lit with an “eternal flame.” Some excerpts of his inaugural address are engraved on a plaque at his grave at Arlington. Kennedy and Taft are the only two U.S. Presidents buried at Arlington. Kennedy is also credited with giving American Catholics the full recognition they deserved as American citizens. On March 14, 1967, Kennedy's body was moved to a permanent burial place and memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. Kennedy is buried with his wife and their deceased minor children; his brother Robert is also buried nearby.
OSWALD’S ARREST Oswald was arrested in a theater 80 minutes after the assassination and was charged at 11:30 pm for his murder. Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby two days after the assassination in the police station on live TV
DID HE DO IT? NO RECORDINGS, NO NOTES were kept Oswald had already tried to assassinate General Walker the same year Oswald called it a conspiracy Some theories are that the Russians or Castro put him up to it. It still remains controversial today who really killed JFK. NO RECORDINGS, NO NOTES were kept