Extrasolar Planets & Star Formation Access to large FoV for characterization of stellar population. Application to: Extrasolar Planets & Star Formation Isabella Pagano 1 on behalf of J. Alcalà 2, S. Benatti 3, R. Claudi 4, E. Covino 2, S. Desidera 4, D. Gandolfi 5, A.F. Lanza 1, A.C. Lanzafame 6, G. Leto 1, S. Messina 1, G. Piotto 7, L. Spezzi 8 Prospettive scientifiche per spettroscopia a grande campo INAF – Dipartimento progetti - Roma, 22 Ottobre INAF OACT, 2.INAF OACA, 3. CISAS. Univ. PD, 4. INAF OAPD, 5. Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, 6. Dip. Fis. & Astron. Univ. CT, 7. Dip. Astron. Univ. PD, 8. ESA/ESTEC
Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Extrasolar Planets Search of transiting extrasolar planets requires high precision S/N photometry BS large fields in order to enhance the detection probability. Several projects on going: – Ground based, i.e., SUPER WASP (64 sqr deg) – Space based, i.e.: CoRoT (2 sqr deg), Kepler (105 sqr deg), PLATO (≥550 sqr deg) Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT Why large fields are desirable
Extrasolar Planets Fast spectral characterization of targets in the chosen fields (low res spectroscopy, R≈ ) Detection of binaries (R≥7000, i.e. 2-3 km s -1 in a selected spectral range) Detection of activity level and age indicators: Li 671 nm (R≥4000), H-alpha (R≥1000), Ca IRT(R≥8000) Roma, 22 Oct 2008 Possible drivers H-alpha R ≈2000 Medhi et al. 2007
Star Formation Young molecular clouds, like Perseus, Serpens, Ophiucus are tenths of sqr-degree extended in the sky with a sparse stellar population of about objects. A big effort to get IR/submm data is ongoing (Spitzer and the coming Herschel) for these Gould's Belt SFRs. This effort will allow to study star formation from the compact cores to debris disks. See next slideSee next slide Optical Spectroscopy is the mandatory complement to assess the nature of the objects: Li 671 nm & Halpha Temperature, Mass Data from optical spectroscopy allow one to study the relation between stellar and disk parameters and to asses if there are preferred stellar masses for planet formation. See slide “stellar parameters”. See slide “stellar parameters” Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT Introduction
Star Formation Optical spectra have been obtained in few cases up to date, only for bright objects and young clusters that are a small fraction of these SFRs (e.g., IC348 in Perseus, Luhman et al. 2005; Upper Scorpius OB association, Preibish et al. 2001). FLAMES has been used for these studies but: 25 arcmin FoV to cover wide SFRs like Perseus or Serpens weeks of observing time would be needed (sparse stellar population) the sub-stellar population (I< ) is missed. You need to go deeper. FORS feasible for some BDs, but field is small. VIMOS assures a larger FoV but R <≈19, not enough for most BDs A 3x3 deg multi-objects (≈1000) spectrometer is desirable for these studies. It could be possible to cover a region like Perseus in 3-4 observing nights. If imaging is also possible, such an instrument would be highly qualified (i.e., SED, extintion, disk parameters). Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT Why large fields are desirable
Star Formation To study YSOs, BDs and free floating planets Li 671 nm (R ≥ 4000) and Halpha (R ≥1000) are really important: membership, accretion rates TiO & V bands (R ≥1000) to determine spectral type of small mass objects Ca IRT (R ≥8000) to have information on their magnetic activity. Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT Possible drivers Li 671nm R≈4000 Preibisch et al. 2001
Please GO ON!!!! Thanks Roma, 22 Oct 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT 3 × 3 deg
Spitzer IR-excess YSOs
Stellar parameters Spectral TypeT eff AVAV AλAλ F0(λ)F0(λ) L STAR L DISK / ENVELOPE