1 Arrival Scenario 1 November, 2007
2 Scenario Overview Sharing of Flight and Status data via AWIMSharing of Flight and Status data via AWIM –Parking Gate, Arrival Runway Arrival Prediction and Situational AwarenessArrival Prediction and Situational Awareness –Shared Prediction of On and In Times Arrival ManagementArrival Management –Airport Runway Configuration, Runway Acceptance Rates Surface ManagementSurface Management –Gate, Ramp and Taxi Planning to Avoid Congestion
3 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 1 – Entry of Commercial FlightSTEP 1 – Entry of Commercial Flight ACTION: Simulated Delta Airlines flight is already on arrivalACTION: Simulated Delta Airlines flight is already on arrival –Start aircraft at BARBS on approach for runway 7L SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –AWIM has received FP and created a FDO which it has added to the Flight Repository and published to all systems connected to AWIM –FPPP display shows FP BenefitsBenefits –SWIM flight data distributed to all participants –Flight intent data into the NAS
4 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 2 – AWIM acquires surveillance data on flights from ADS-BSTEP 2 – AWIM acquires surveillance data on flights from ADS-B ACTION: Aircraft transmits ADS-B dataACTION: Aircraft transmits ADS-B data SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –Show (simulated) ADS-B arrival targets on CARTS –Show flight strip on EFS –Show updated arrival time predictions on SDSS –CARTS shows Assigned Parking Gate in Datablock BenefitsBenefits –Improves accuracy of On and In time predictions
5 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 3 – Arrival ManagementSTEP 3 – Arrival Management ACTION:ACTION: –SDSS Assigns an arrival runway and arrival slot time SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –SDSS shows arrival runway and assigned time on timeline –SDSS recalculates On, In times as needed BenefitsBenefits –Assignment of Arrival Runway considers parking location on the airfield to minimize taxi time and surface congestion –Improves accuracy of On and In time predictions
6 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 4 – Runway Acceptance Rate ChangeSTEP 4 – Runway Acceptance Rate Change ACTION:ACTION: –Tower Supervisor changes Runway Arrival Rate in SDSS to provide more spacing for Departures SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –SDSS updates arrival runway assignments and slot times –SDSS recalculates On and In times –SDSS calculates surface taxi trajectory and publishes it to AWIM as an FDO update
7 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 5 – Parking Gate ConflictSTEP 5 – Parking Gate Conflict ACTION: SDSS Alerts Ramp Tower to Potential Parking Gate ConflictACTION: SDSS Alerts Ramp Tower to Potential Parking Gate Conflict SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –SDSS In time prediction shows that the arriving flight will get to the parking gate before the current flight in the gate pushes back –The SDSS Ramp Position alerts the Ramp Controller and Requests a Decision from the Ramp Controller To either change the parking gate or indicate that the arriving flight should be held out of the rampTo either change the parking gate or indicate that the arriving flight should be held out of the ramp –The Ramp Controller decides the flight should be held out of the ramp –The ATC Tower Controller is notified of the need to hold the flight out on CARTS BenefitBenefit –The Tower knows that the flight has no gate before it is blocking other flights
8 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 6 – Taxi Route Assignment to Resolve Gate ConflictSTEP 6 – Taxi Route Assignment to Resolve Gate Conflict ACTION: ATC Ground Controller assigns taxi route to holding areaACTION: ATC Ground Controller assigns taxi route to holding area SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –Ground controller sees indication of gate conflict on CARTS –Ground controller enters a taxi route segment for the holding area –SDSS updates the taxi trajectory –CARTS and SDSS display the taxi trajectory BenefitBenefit –The new taxi route can be assigned before the flight lands
9 Arrival Scenario 1 STEP 7 – Flight LandsSTEP 7 – Flight Lands ACTION: Flight Lands and Follows Assigned Taxi RouteACTION: Flight Lands and Follows Assigned Taxi Route SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION:SYSTEM RESPONSE / VISUALIZATION: –CARTS shows ADS-B for landing flight BenefitBenefit –The flight is maneuvered to a safe holding location to wait for its gate to be available without blocking other flights
10 Scenario Summary Sharing of Flight and Status data via AWIMSharing of Flight and Status data via AWIM –SWIM flight data distributed to all participants –Flight intent data into the NAS Arrival Prediction and Situational AwarenessArrival Prediction and Situational Awareness –Assignment of Arrival Runway considers parking location on the airfield to minimize taxi time and surface congestion –Improves accuracy of On and In time predictions Arrival ManagementArrival Management –Decision Support for Efficient Usage of Available Capacity Surface ManagementSurface Management –Use of Shared Data to Pro-Actively Avoid Surface Congestion