Cloud Security & Compliance Kenneth Le ISM 158 Spring 2010 Pankaj Mehra
Scenario LOGiQ 3 ‘s Needs: IT infrastructure (IaaS) Implementation within 4 months Scalable solution for unpredictable workloads Special concerns: Tight security and compliance to handle sensitive data BlueLock Solution: No upfront costs or lengthy contract agreements Vmware-based cloud hosting solution Security solution SAS 70 type II certified 99.99% uptime guarantee Geo-graphically diverse data centers for failover and disaster recovery
Security Concerns Data location Data protection Application security Availability Identity management Geo-graphically diverse data centers Application firewall 99.99% uptime guarantee Security event manager Monitor event logs Traffic manager Security Solutions
Regulations Compliance PCI DSS SAS 70 Type II ISO 27001
References Horwitt, Elisabeth. "Cloud Security: Try These Techniques Now - Computerworld." Computerworld - IT News, Features, Blogs, Tech Reviews, Career Advice. Web. 13 May _Try_these_techniques_now?taxonomyId=158&pageNumber=1 Wood, Lamont. "Cloud Computing and Compliance: Be Careful up There - Computerworld." Computerworld - IT News, Features, Blogs, Tech Reviews, Career Advice. Web. 13 May ting_and_compliance_Be_careful_up_there_?taxonomyId=154&pa geNumber=1 Brodkin, Jon. "Gartner: Seven Cloud-computing Security Risks | Security Central - InfoWorld." Business Technology, IT News, Product Reviews and Enterprise IT Strategies - InfoWorld. Web. 13 May cloud-computing-security-risks-853?page=0,0 Silva, Peter. "Securing the Cloud." Securing the Cloud Web. 12 May