EU UPDATE RICHARD COADY April 15 th 2013 Rome
AGENDA 2012 –Local Wins & Challenges –Regional Focus EU Organisations / Commission New Programs / Partners 2013 –Local Focusses & Opportunities –Regional Activities Grand Coalition ESF Funding ??
2012 – Review Country Specific –Mixed Growth – from 20% Decline / 30% Growth (Partner/Country) –New Partners (Switz, NL, Pol, Romania) –Increased quantity and faster localisations –New Significant Opportunities (Fr, Den, Ger) –Economic Uncertainty delaying some decisions
2012 – Review EU Region Specific –Ongoing participation in EU Discussions EVTA – Presented at their GA Digital Europe – Contribute to Policy Discussions SchoolNet – Ongoing Discussions European Commission –E-Competence Framework –Quality Label –ICT Skills Councils Regional economic uncertainty is driving further investments (IT Skills etc)
2013 Preview Country Specific –Strong Q1 Results (80% Partners 20% Increase YoY) –More “big-ticket” opportunities than Q –Some VL Engagement / Wins so-far –New partners: Finland, Spain/Portugal, France Specific countrywide opportunities
Partner Recruitment Certiport European Partner Network
Grand Coalition “The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs is an EU wide multi-stakeholder partnership helping to address a shortfall in the number of European citizens with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional skills and to exploit the employment creation potential of ICT. The European Commission seeks active collaboration in areas like industry-led training, assisting labour mobility, certifying skills, improving school and university curricula, and raising awareness among young people (strong focus on young women) about ICT-related careers.” The mandate of the Grand Coalition runs from 2013 to 2015 with a review foreseen at the end of this term.
2013 Preview – Introduction to Grand Coalition –Strategic Partner to HP-Led Grand Coalition. –HP Pledge – Based on Attached Working Brief; –Strong Opportunity to Drive further Adoption of HPI using Tactical & Strategic Approach (Top Down & Bottom Up) –Strong engagement/support from HP in-country –Target of 40,000 Students in 18 Months. –Focus on country specific opportunities with partners
HP Institute Approach to EU Grand Coalition Academic Focus (Graduate / Undergraduate) Academic Focus (Graduate / Undergraduate) HP Institute Non-Academic Focus (Vocational / Professional) HP Coalition Partners 40,000 HPI Certified Students/Educators by 2015
HP Institute Pledge – Focus Areas Business context awareness Translate business objectives into technology strategies that increase business ROI End-to-end technology expertise Develop integrated cross-platform, multi- technology solutions Hands-on experience Direct experience with innovative technologies that create business differentiation 700K Unfilled ICT Jobs in EU Proven Brand and Credential Aligned to Industry Needs Supporting Students Graduates with needed IT Skills Competitive Advantages Economic development. ICT Skills for Unemployed AcademiaBusinessGovernmentIndividuals
Grand Coalition – Defined Process –Stakeholders from Academia, Industry etc (approx. 10 to-date) –Regular HP Stakeholder Meetings & Communications (Open & Inclusive – consistent messaging of mismatch of Industry defined IT Skills) –Leverage from local initiatives / relationships –Co-ordinated profiling of Universities / Educators and HPI Investments
2013 Focus Partner / Program Focus Areas; –Sales/Purchase Targets agreed with all –Identify 3 Govn/Strategic Opps per country (VL, HPI) –Stronger pipeline management/support (short/long term) –Establish Sustainable Certifications Business Stable monthly purchases Address EU Buying Patterns Complementary short & long term sales approach –Exploring ESF options –Working on specific country opportunities with partners
THANK YOU ! Page 13 Richard Coady European Sales Director Certiport Europe