Guiding Art, Block building, and Sensory Experiences I can explain how art experiences promote physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth I can describe techniques for guiding art experiences I can list the stages of art skill development. I can compile a list of art supplies needed for a well stocked classroom. I can plan a variety of art, block building, sensory, and woodworking activities suitable for young children.
The importance of art Through art experiences children to: Express feelings Develop creativity Respect the property and work of others Explore possibilities by finding new ways of using materials Use a variety of tools Mix materials Become aware of color, texture, line, and form Build problem-solving skills
The importance of art Learning opportunity to think, plan, and express their ideas Promotes: physical, cognitive, social, emotional growth
Physical Growth Improve fine motor skills through, painting, coloring, scribbling, drawing Play dough works hands muscles and they learn to control their fingers. Fosters motor and hand eye coordination
Social Growth Responsibility- art work , clothing Share – crayons, paint, etc. Respect the property of others Learn to value the work of others
Emotional Growth Express Emotions Angry Choose activity- hmm what will I paint Through art children learn to communicate and express their feelings through different mediums.
Cognitive Growth By exploring , experimenting, and problem solving with a variety of materials and tools they are growing cognitively. They color, size, texture, and shape They learn skills like cutting, and drawing. Cutting takes things apart. Tape or glue puts things back together. Visual and tactile skills are learned
Techniques for Guiding Art Experiences Provide various art materials Allow for opportunities to create Allow children to express feelings Give them enough time Allow them to experiment with colors and materials Experiences should involve all the senses: smell, sight, taste, touch, hearing
Techniques for Guiding Art Experiences Teachers are helpers, not intruders Start art activities by introducing the supplies and tools available for the day. Observe children during art experiences, refrain from asking what they are doing. Could be just experimenting with the tools May lack the language skills to express
Techniques for Guiding Art Experiences Focus on the process Make them feel successful and confident Let them decide when the work is finished Don’t urge them to fill up all the space Praise all children’s work, avoid singling out one child’s Display the work – children feel valued
Commenting on Children’s Art Focus is on the Process You’re using a purple crayon Your work has interesting lines What a nice yellow star you are making You must really like the color green
Techniques for Guiding Art Experiences Color is not important in preschool children’s artwork No relationship between the colors chosen and the object They choose colors they like opposed to real life
Yellow Blue Orange Green Brown White Black Color preferences Beutiful Ugly Yellow Blue Orange Green Brown White Black
Stages of Art Skill Development Scribbles Basic Forms 15 month to 3 years Motor skills and eye hand coordination not well developed Zigzags, whirls, and circles Lines are not connected 3 and 4 year olds Ovals, rectangles, and circles More control over movements Name their drawings and start making connections with techniques
Stages of Art Skill Development First Drawings 4 and 5 year olds First real drawings Mimic their view of the world Combine shapes to make objects or people Later they will add, trees, houses, cars, boats to their drawings.
Tempera Paint Buy tempera paint in a liquid or powder form.
Paint Brushes ½ to 1” wide
Crayons, Chalk, and Felt-Tip Markers
Paper and Painting Surfaces
Coloring Books
Paste and Glue
Molding Play dough and clay Children enjoy the tactile experience Stimulates imagination and freedom to change their mind Accessories to use with play dough – cookie cutters, rolling pins
Molding Two year – pull, beat, push, and squeeze the play dough Three year – make balls, and snake shapes Four year – more complex forms Five – may announce what they are going to make before they make it
Refrigerated Playdough 1 cup Salt 2 Cup Flour 1 Cup water 3 Tablespoons Oil Food Coloring
Characteristics Clay Play dough Purchase in red or white Red will stain clothes so most teachers prefer white Store in a plastic bag, garbage pail. Vinyl tablecloth for easier clean up Softer texture then clay Play dough can be scented Add different textured items to the the playdough such as rice, cornmeal , sand , oats
Cutting Collages Time and supplies to cut daily Cut in straight lines at first Scissors should have rounded tips Use construction paper or wrapping paper Paper Flower Selection of material mounted on a flat surface Introduces contrasting colors and textures Younger children will paste materials on top of each other Make sure materials are appropriate for young children.
Block building The most popular center Large and small muscles Improve eye hand coordination Strengthening muscles Learning new concepts and skills
Stages of block building Page 287 Memory Game
Sand and Water Play
Wood working