The Reading/Writing Workshop Denise E. Reid ELE3280 Fall 2006 “…Helping students make sense o their world through reading, writing, and sound thinking.” Donald Graves
Whole Teaching Using real materials and whole texts to teach skills. Addressing real life situations/problems (world, local, student) Providing choices & involving students in the decision making process. Working independently and in groups. Providing for student involvement. Using authentic assessment.
Writing & Reading as Process
Writers and Readers REHEARSE, planning and predicting; What will I write? What will it be like? How will it be shaped by my prior experiences as a writer? What will I read? What will it be like? How will it be shaped by my prior experiences as a reader?
Writers and readers DRAFT, discovering meaning; Where will these words I am writing take me? Where will these words I am reading take me? What surprises, disappointments, problems, questions, and insights will I encounter along the way? Have students keep a reader’s notebook and a writer’s notebook to document this thinking.
Writers and readers REVISE, reseeing and reseeking meaning; Is this what I expected, what I hoped for? What do I think of the words on the page? What new thoughts do I think because of the words on the page? What makes sense? What needs to be changed so sense can be made? In the Middle: Writing Reading and Learning with Adolescents, by Nancy Atwell
Comprehensive Reading/Writing Program Framework for a Comprehensive Reading/Writing Program (Fountas & Pinnell)
Essential components of a Reading/Writing Workshop Independent reading/writing Group Work Mini-lessons Conferencing Sharing
Minilessons According to Nancy Atwell a minilesson is Is a forum for sharing the things that I know will help writers and readers grow. Is a forum for students to share what they know. Is the forum for bringing us together as a community. An interactive time between teacher and students. A time for explicit teaching. (Teach what they need to know and are ready to learn.)
Types of minilessons Minilessons about procedures for writers/readers workshop. Minilessons about literary craft. Minilessons about “What Authors Do” Minilessons about “What Readers Notice” Minilessons about different genres. Minilessons about conventions of writing. Minilessons about reading strategies.
Where do you get ideas for minilessons? Student work Conferences with students Teacher observations Real authors Curriculum and Standards
Independent Reading/Writing Time Sustained independent writing. Brainstorm a list of topics. Reread current writing piece. Write on current piece. Revise writing piece. Use a strategy taught in class. Proofread piece of writing and edit. Look through drafts of old pieces of writing. Research a topic. Copy or type a final draft. Make illustration for a final draft. Read from self-selected book or teacher assigned book. Read Write in literature log or reflective journal. Look at class charts (Reading strategies) Fill out reading record.
What is Independent Reading? Student chooses any book to read. Teacher may guide selection. Daily time to read 30 minutes or more. Excellent classroom library essential. Students read “just-right” books. (Goldilocks Form) Teacher monitors comprehension. Student keeps a reading record. Teaching occurs during a conference. Teacher and student set reading goals.
Reading Workshop Includes Partner Reading The reader holds the book. Sit close enough so both partners can see the words. Take turns reading. Go back and reread if you don’t understand. Turn and talk. (Tell your partner what happened. Both partners should talk.) Problem solve with your partner. Enjoy Reading!!!
Sample Reading Workshop Forms Reading Log Rules for Independent Reading Reading Record Reading Journal Guidelines
Conferences “If you can keep only one thing in mind, and I fail at this half the time, it is that we are teaching the writer and not the writing. If the piece of writing gets better, but the writer has learned nothing that will help him or her another day on another piece, then the conference was a waste of everyone’s time. It may have done more harm than good, for such conferences teach students to be dependent on us.” Lucy McCormick Calkins
A Framework for Informal Reading Conferences Bring me a book that you can read pretty well. Why did you choose this book? What is the reading level of this book for you? Tell me what this book is about so far. Read this part of the book for me. Tell me what you remember about what you just read. Let’s discuss you strengths and what you need to work on. How long do you think it will take you to complete this book.
Types of Writing Conferences Whole-Class Shares (Formal conducted publicly) Child reads writing piece aloud, twice. Celebrate what the writer has done. (Give specific examples.) Learn to listen to each other. (Teacher models the language of response.) Brief (no more than 15 minutes) Make one or two specific teaching points. Models the importance of rereading.
Quickshares “A quickshare is a miniconference that takes a minute or less and celebrates a memorable line, an engaging lead or paragraph, rereading before continuing to write, taking a risk, or attempting something new.” (Routman, p216) Use when short of time, but still allowing you to celebrate progress and for explicit teaching.
Roving Conferences A very quick conference to chart progress of the class as a whole. -Note who needs help getting started. -Affirm students’ efforts. -Encourage students to continue writing, reread, check spelling, etc. -Teach on the spot. -Assess (Keep a record). -Offer specific guidance.
One-on-one Conferences A student is ready for a one-on-one conference when: The writer has done everything he/she can do on his/her own. Reread for clarity and organization as well as practiced reading it out loud for the conference. Followed directions and completed requirements.
Types of Conferences-Content Starting with the whole “the content” sends the message that writing is about communicating. Clarity and interest of topic for the reader. Organization and structure. Leads Endings Personal Style Genre Content Conference Form-Teacher
Types of Conferences-Editing Beginning in second grade students can take more responsibility for their editing. Capitalization Spelling Punctuation Grammar Word Choice Legibility Organization Rereading Presentation Second Grade Editing Checklist Fourth Grade Editing Checklist
Types of Conference Responses Peer Conferencing Peer conferencing should only take place after a great deal of modeling and practice. Types of Conference Responses
Developing Procedures & Routines How to select a topic? How to write so revising and editing will be easier? What do I do with my writing? What to do during reading/writing workshop? What is a “just-right” book? How do I select a “just-right” book? Keeping a “reader’s” notebook. How to be sure you understand the author’s message? Reading strategies to use. How to use a “writer’s notebook”? (Tips for Young Writers How to conduct a peer conference?
Assessment is Built In! Writing Rubric Writing Strengths Writing History Noting Strengths & Setting Goals Reading Journal
The Goal of Teaching is to help students become Independent Learners Optimal Learning Model Across the Curriculum (Writing) Optimal Learning Model Across the Curriculum (Reading) Effective Demonstrations
Other Programs using these Main Beliefs Four Block ( Success in Reading & Writing Comprehensive Reading Programs (Fountas & Pinnell)
Become a Reader and a Writer! How do I learn more? Become a Reader and a Writer!