Quiz #2 Wednesday Homework #4 – Oct. 7th Exam #2 – Oct. 7th Extra Credit Oct. 16th Writing Assignment Due Oct. 23rd
Firms are allocated X number of permits A permit represents the right to pollute 1 ton of CO2. Firms can buy and sell permits. But firm sells their permits, they can no longer pollute and must control their pollution instead.
Coal Power Plant 15 tons of CO 2 Natural Gas Power Plant 15 tons of CO 2 Suppose we determine that to maintain clean healthy air, we need to reduce emissions by 15 tons total. Who should reduce emissions? By how much?
Minimizes the control cost between the two sources Cost Effectiveness Equimarginal Principle Cost of achieving a given level of reduction is minimized when MC 1 =MC 2 =MC 3 =..=MC n Marginal costs of all emitters are equal
MCC coal = 10 + ½ * Q coal-CO2 MCC ng = 5 + Q ng-CO2 Each firm currently emits 100 tons of CO 2 The government wants to reduce overall emissions to 150 tons of CO 2 Q CO2 = Q coal-CO2 + Q ng-CO2
Lottery (equitable) Grandfathering (politically appealing) Auction (government revenue generated)
MCC coal = 6 + 1/3 * Q coal-control MCC ng = 2 + Q ng-control Each firm currently emits 100 tons of CO 2 The government wants to reduce overall emissions to 140 tons of CO 2 Q control = Q coal-control + Q ng-control
What is the control cost to each firm? What is the revenue to the government?
Quiz #2 Wednesday Homework #4 – Oct. 7th Exam #2 – Oct. 7th Extra Credit Oct. 16th Writing Assignment Due Oct. 23rd