EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS Chapter 9 John 19:17-42.


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Presentation transcript:

EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS Chapter 9 John 19:17-42

Three Events: What was happening? Why it happened? Crucified (19:27) Origins-Persians & Phoenicians –Romans: special us of cruxification –reserved for most kind of criminal especially those who encouraged insurrection –Symbol Today: of glory & victory Pilates’ day: of rejection, shame & suffering

–Customary for a criminal to carry the cross Jesus was relieved by Simon of Cyrene The bearing of the cross: mark of guilt Jesus was not guilty –Cross-placard required announcing the crime Pilate: this is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews Chief priests protested, but Pilate kept it Cosmopolitan place –Hebrew-language of religion –Greek-philosophy –Latin-law Jesus died for the whole world

Golgotha means cranium, skull Calvary-Latin, equivalent Jesus was crucified outside the city (Heb. 13:11-13) Bodies were disposed of by burial or by throwing them on the public garbage dump Jesus was crucified with two thieves –Added to shame –Isaiah 53:12: “He was numbered with the transgressors” Jesus was nailed to the cross & hung up for everyone to see

Crucified during the Passover season At most Roman executions a centurion and 4 soldiers –Each soldier took clothing piece & they gambled for seamless robe as fulfilled in Ps. 22:18 Reviled Jesus in other Gospels –Psalms uses images of lions, bull & dogs showing when they rejected Jesus they became like animals Mary, Salome, Mary of Clopas, & Mary Magdalene

Mary-experienced “sword” & was preparing for a burial Was assured of His love Gave John to care for Mary Women-stood near the cross Dead (19:28-30) Refused to drink, before He finally said “I thirst” as fulfilled in Ps. 69:21 Emerged from 3 hours of darkness & separation & wrath of God were felt (Matt. 27:45-49) Psalm 69

Jesus’ last 7 statements “Forgive them for they know what they were doing” Thought of others (Luke 23:24) “Today in Paradise thou shall be with Me.” The believing thief (Luke 23:39-43) “Behold thy son & behold thy mother” Love for His mother (John 19:25-27) “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?” His relationship with His Father (Matt. 27:45- 47) “I thirst” His body (John 19:28-29) “It is finished” His soul (John 19:30)

“I commended my spirit into your hands” Spirit (Luke 23:46) Tetelestai: it is finished Jesus, the Lamb of God with spot or blemish The debt is paid in full Jesus met the righteous demands of the holy law Old Testament sacrifices covered sin but the Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world by shedding His blood. John 1:29’ Heb. 9:24-28 The death of Jesus Christ is a major theme in the gospel of John

Image of our Lord’s death: The slaying of the lamb 1:29 The destroying of the temple 2:29 The lifting of the serpent 3:14 The shepherd laying down His life for the sheep 10:11-18 Planting of the seed in the ground 12:20-25 Divine appointment, not accident Belief that Jesus didn’t die: warning

Many witnesses –Centurion (Mark 15:44-45) –All gospel writers –The angels (Matt. 28:5,7) –The Jews (Acts 5:28) –Christ Himself (Luke 24:46) –Worshipping host in Heaven (Rev. 5:9<12) –Paul, Peter, John –His death was voluntary gave Himself (Gal. 2:20) Ransom (Mark 10:45) Sacrifice to God (Eph. 5:2) Propitiation for sin (I John 2:2)

Buried (19:31-42 Roman soldiers break victim’s legs, but were not commanded to pierce His side Legs-Ps. 34:20, Ex 12:46 Pierced side- Zech. 12:10, Rev. 1:7) Water & blood from the wound –Proof of real death –Blood for justification & guilt of sin –Water for sanctification & cleansing & stain of sin

Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus –Joseph-prominent member of the Jewish Council (Mark 15:43) Good & righteous man, not agreed to what council did (Luke 23:50-51) A member of the believing Jews (Mark 15:43) A disciple of Jesus (John 9:38) –Nicodemus Helped Joseph Both touched dead body & couldn’t participate in Passover

–The women prepared for burial Passover lambs killed at 3:00 Jesus died at 3:00 Isa. 53:9 Prepared cloth & spices

1.What sacrifices have other people made for you? 2.Read about Jesus’ sacrifice for us I John 19: what do you know about crucifixion that sheds light on the way He died? 3.What is the significance of the inscription, in three languages, above the cross? 4.What is significant about the women who were at the crucifixion?

5. What do you learn about Jesus from His words and actions on the cross? 6. Why did John use emphatic language to describe the blood and water flowing from Jesus’ side? 7. Why did John write verse 35? 8. Think about events in your personal life or in the world in light of Jesus’ suffering on the cross. How are they related to one another?

9. What is important about the fact that Jesus was buried? 10. What does the pattern of prophecy and fulfillment suggest about God and His relationship to history? 11. How can these truths help you live for God this week?