Mean Chey University Department of Community Development Performance of agricultural Sector in Cambodia Economy Presented by : Pisidh VOE Rural Economic
Overview Land area : 181,035 Total Population: 14,805,358 (2011 est) Inflation rate 6.5% (2011) GDP growth rate 8.7 % (2011 est) HDI : (2010) Some 80 percent of Cambodia's 14 million populations are living in rural areas and are farmers 67% of all households are involved in rice production Population below poverty line: 31% (2007 est.)
Arable land about % (3,700,00 ha) of total land area Rice cultivated area 2,240,000 Ha
Contribution of Agriculture in Economic 33.4% of agricultural sector contributed to GDP – Crop 56%, Fisheries 21%, Livestock 14% and Forestry 9% Agricultural growth 4.3% (2001, est) Employ 60% (5million) of total labor force Paddy production reached self sufficient level in 1995 (3.5 million tons)
Constraints Workers per hectare: 1.2 Agricultural service package have limited access to farmer Water scarcity – Wet season: cultivate 2.1 million ha (85%) of area planted – Dry season: cultivate 0.3 million ha (12%) of area planted
Limited access to credit Inadequate rural infrastructure (rural road, rural electrification and irrigation) Low yield – paddy cultivation average at 2.46 ton/ha (Vietnam: 4.6 ton/ha, Thailand: 4 ton/ha and Lao: 3.3 ton/ha) Land titling – Land title issued to farmers 12% (2005), 24% (2010 target)
Policy and Intervention of Royal Government The government plays a role in policy making and investing in area where private sector is not actively involved. The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) recently approved agricultural investment projects > $230 million
Minister of Water Resources: Irrigated area will increase from around 40 to 70 percent External funded projects 2008‐2015: 26 projects: – 10 projects with grant: mill USD – 16 projects with loan: 1,008.2 mill USD – Major donors and investors : JICA, ADB, IMF, AFD, KOICA, Kuwait, Qatar, China, India, Australia and Italia.
Research & Development – Cambodian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (CARDI) – Zero tariff on importing agriculture materials such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticide and agricultural equipment etc. – Planned further incentives for investment in processing facilities, rice milling for exports
Domestic and Foreign Investment in Agriculture
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