Toddler › years old Preschooler › 3 – 5 years old when most children start going to school
From 1 year old to 3 years old a child experiences many changes! › From crawling walking jumping hopping skipping running › Getting dressed more independently › Eating fairly neatly with a fork and spoon
› Feeding themselves › Getting dressed › Brushing their teeth › Washing their hands › Going to the bathroom on their own
Toddlers will show interest in feeding themselves with a spoon › They will pick up a spoon, hold it, and try to feed themselves At first this will be messy! Fine motor control is needed in order to do this task, so it may take some time to master! By 18 months, most toddlers are able to properly feed themselves.
Self-feeding improves overtime
Toddlers need smaller serving sizes They need to eat a variety of food from all 5 food groups Serve fresh, nutritious foods Vary color, texture, shape, temperature
Introduce cows milk › Whole Milk (4%) Same food as family- mashed or cut into bite- sized pieces › Soft pasteurized cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese › Whole wheat bread, pasta, and rice › Fruit: melon, papaya, apricot, grapefruit › Vegetable: Broccoli and Cauliflower (cooked) › Protein: eggs, ground/cut-up meat or poultry & smooth peanut butter
Same foods as previous slide, except switch to 2% reduced fat milk instead of whole milk 4%
Avoid salt Avoid preservatives Avoid artificial colorings Avoid artificial flavors
Infants should be bathed a few days a week › When not crawling they don’t get as dirty! Toddlers can be bathed usually every other day (sometimes done at night) › If they are messy clean them! Establish a routine and make bath time fun!
Never leave your baby unsupervised, Never put your baby into a tub when the water is still running. › The water can quickly get too deep or ho t. Set your water heater to 120 ⁰F or below. A child can get third-degree burns in less than a minute at 140 degrees. Never leave your child unattended. › Yes, it's so important we listed it twice! A child can drown in less than an inch of water—and in less than 60 seconds.
1 year old › Most children have 8 teeth Brush with soft toothbrush daily. 2-3 Year olds › Children can begin practicing brushing their own teeth… but they will need guidance!
5 years old › Most children are able to brush on their own Regular dental checkups and cleanings are important. › Children should attend their first appointment at about 18 months (1½ yrs.) › First appointment with be pretty informal Children should brush their teeth 2-3 times a day (usually after eating)
clothing options should be appropriate › Children need to learn how to dress themselves properly
Being able to put on their own clothes makes a toddler feel independent At 2 years old toddler will try to put on clothes themselves Between 3-4 years old they will be able to dress themselves successfully Involves gross and fine motor skills which should be learned one step at a time Toddler shouldn’t feel rushed! Give them time to get the task done
Favorite toy or blanket, Thumb-sucking
Fears are Normal Use a Night Light
Cabinet Door Locks Corner of Counter tops