No Offshore Wind Farm Without Certification European Offshore Wind Conference Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Laatsch Dieser Platz ist für Ihr Bild vorgesehen
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No. 2 Contents 1.Certification of Wind Turbines 2.Modules of the Project Certification 3.The benefit of Certification
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Certification of Wind Turbines
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Certification of Wind Turbines Certification of Windfarms, Windturbines and their components is state of the art and a must almost worldwide
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Certification of Wind Turbines
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Certification of Wind Turbines - Type Certification 4 modules to be assessed Design Assessment Quality Management System Prototype Test Type Certificate IPE* * Implementation of design requirements in Production and Erection
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification leading to the 2 nd (Basic Design) and 3 rd (Implementation planning) approval of the BSH for Wind Farms in the Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of Germany leading to the first approval of the BSH* for Wind Farms in the Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of Germany * BSH = Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie/ Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Hamburg,
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Design Basis (Site Assessment) Site Assessment Environmental Conditions wind, wave, ice data, … Soil Investigation soil investigation programme, soil data, soil model, p-y curves Further Items Load Case Definitions combination wind - waves Determination of Rules for materials, corrosion protection Assumptions for WT : masses, eigenfrequencies, … Concept for Transport, Erection and Inspection Specification of specific Analysis Methods leading to the Design Basis
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Site Specific Design Assessment Load Assessment Assessment of the support structure ULS (ultra limit state) FLS (fatigue limit state) investigation of details e.g. for Grouting connection, 2 nd -steel Assessment of the turbine Marinisation Are site specific loads higher than those in the Type Certificate? in case: reserve-calculations
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Manufacturing Surveillance Review of material certificates Inspection of NDT Inspection of manufacturing processes Inspections before delivery Inspection of documentation Inspection of tracebility of the products The general objective is to verify, that the production is done according to the approved drawings, rules and specifications.
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Transport- and Installation Surveillance Monitoring of transport and installation (to and on the site) Monitoring of weather conditions for sea transport (Marine Warranty Survey) Checking the components for damage Inspection of the offshore procedures Inspection of prefabricated subassemblies Witnessing of full commissioning
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Transport- and Installation Surveillance Transport and Installation Inspection (TII): Securing quality during transport and installation in terms of the certification and on behalf of the client Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) : is required by the insurer and comprises: Assessment of the selected ships/barges and equipment Marine operations / enviromental conditions Keyword: in the sense of ` loss of cargo `
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Transport- and Installation Surveillance GL suggests to merge the MWS scope together with the TII scope. The combined scope can be performed by one GL inspector on site. decrease of staff cost savings for the client
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of the Project Certification
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No Modules of Project Certification Periodic Monitoring To keep the Project Certificate valid a periodic monitoring is required. Inspection of the entire wind turbine by technical experts Offshore: 25% of the WTGs per year to fulfill BSH requirements. After 4 year all WTGs shall have been inspected Transformerstation: annual inspection
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No The benefit of Certification
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No The benefit of Certification Fulfilling requirements of the authorities e.g. BSH in Germany: ``Standard Design of Offshore Wind Turbines`` ``Standard soil Investigations for Offshore Wind Farms`` (see also for download) Risk minimisation acc. to: „four-eyes principle“ Higher qualitiy during manufacturing by independent inspections Trust worthiness for insurers, financiers and banks
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No The benefit of Certification confirmation of fulfilling technical requirements will leads to (international) acceptance Keyword: `security of investment`
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No The benefit of Certification Example for a ship impact assessment rough elements (40 cm) fine elements (10 cm)
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No. 21 Thank you for your attention!
European Offshore Wind Conference September 2009 No. 22 Your Contact Matthias Laatsch Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH Competence Centre Renewables Certification Steinhoeft Hamburg GERMANY Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Internet: