Green City, Clean Waters: Philadelphia Green Schoolyards
Combined Sewer System
Green City, Clean Waters Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan A Strategic Investment for the New Urban Water Utility PA DEP/PWD Consent Order signed- June 2011 U.S. EPA/PWD Partnership – September 2012 25 year agreement to spend $2 billion with specific targets for: 10,000 Total Greened Acres 85% Overflow Reduction Volume Grey infrastructure to support green infrastructure where necessary System / Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure Approach to Reduce CSOs Stormwater Tree Trench Stormwater Planter Stormwater Bump-out West Mill Creek, Philadelphia, PA Columbus Square, Philadelphia, PA Queen Lane, Philadelphia, PA Green Roof Rain Barrel Flow-Through Planter PECO Building, Philadelphia, PA Row home, Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA
How do we transform Philadelphia into a Green City with Clean Waters? Green Programs Green hard surfaces that can soak up the rain! Public Lands Streets Schools Public Facilities Parks & Open Space ‘Water Wall’ & Rain Garden Springside School Green Roof Free Library of Philadelphia Private Lands Industrial, Commercial & Institutional Homes (20% impervious) Parking Alleys, Driveways & Walkways Change policies, develop regulatory tools, make funding commitments, create incentives… and most importantly, we ensure that the rate-payer is on board! How do we transform Philadelphia into a Green City with Clean Waters? Stormwater Wetland Saylor’s Grove
GREEN SCHOOLS OPPORTUINTY District Schools: 214 Number of K-12 Students: 131,362 Charter Schools: 86 Number of Charter Students: 60,774 In total, about 1,000 acres of impervious surface in the Combined Sewer System Catholic Schools: 58 (estimate) School District – Not a City agency – state run Charter Schools – number of ownership models, some owned by the district and operated by the charter, some are charter owned and operated, and other are private leased Arch diocese – large landowner in the city Private schools – similar to charter mix of ownership Types of legal agreements -conservation Private Schools: 80+ (estimate)
Schools Build Support for GSI GSI is still new to residents, schools are a great access point Schools are the nerve center for the neighborhood- engage students, parents, staff, and larger community in one place Schools are ripe for demonstration of triple bottom line benefits- health improvements, revitalization, safety Tie to environmental education
PWD CAPITAL PROJECT SDP CAPITAL PROJECT 3rd PARTY PROJECT PWD Designs & Constructs PWD Grants $ to SDP to Design & Construct PWD Grants to 3rd Party implementers to Design & Construct Numerous sites under development SDP’s 1st Stormwater Management Incentive Program Grant, for four Schools The Big Sandbox The Trust for Public Land West Philadelphia Coalition for Neighborhood Schools Drexel School District of Philadelphia Green Schoolyard Projects
PWD Designs & Constructs PWD CAPITAL PROJECT PWD Designs & Constructs Using operating funds, Philadelphia Water signs agreement with the School District to design and construct green stormwater infrastructure project within the schoolyard Numerous sites under development School District of Philadelphia Green Schoolyard Projects
PWD Grants $ to SDP to Design & Construct SDP CAPITAL PROJECT PWD Grants $ to SDP to Design & Construct The Stormwater Management Incentives Program (SMIP) provides grants directly to non-residential property owners who want to construct stormwater retrofit projects. It is a competitive grant and decisions are announced quarterly. All non-residential properties in Philadelphia are billed a stormwater fee based on the size of their parcel and the amount of impervious surface. Billing credits are awarded to properties that retrofit their site to manage stormwater. SDP’s 1st Stormwater Management Incentive Program Grant, for four Schools School District of Philadelphia Green Schoolyard Projects
PWD Grants to 3rd Party implementers to Design & Construct 3rd PARTY PROJECT PWD Grants to 3rd Party implementers to Design & Construct Third party organizations bring resources for non-water features, like playground equipment, fencing, benches or lighting, in addition to stormwater management features, to create more holistic projects The Big Sandbox The Trust for Public Land West Philadelphia Coalition for Neighborhood Schools Drexel School District of Philadelphia Green Schoolyard Projects
Meeting Multiple Partner Objectives School District Action Plan 3.0 and Sustainability Master Plan Philadelphia Parks &Recreation- Green 2015 and Greenworks Philadelphia Water- Green City, Clean Waters
Educational Programming GreenSTEM Program STEM Education Program – focuses on monitoring GSI and producing environmental data Fairmount Water Works Understanding the Urban Watershed Curriculum Teacher Development Trainings
School Administration Parent Associations Academic Partners Teachers Volunteers Students Government Partners Non Profits School Administration Civic Organizations Foundations Green Schools Curriculum Playground Amenities After School Programming Stewardship Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Find a copy at “How-to” Manual for Communities Commissioned by Philadelphia Water and developed by the Community Design Collaborative with input from a variety of resource partners, the guide provides a guide and best practices for green schoolyard projects Find a copy at
Policy Considerations Funding Ownership and access Design considerations Operations and maintenance
George Nebinger School
George Nebinger School
William Dick School
William Dick School
Henry C. Lea School
Henry C. Lea School
Contact Information Christine Knapp, Deputy Chief of Staff 215- 685-6111